

发布时间:2015-02-13 14:02:52  更新时间:2015-02-13 14:57:50

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  SCI论文发表优秀期刊推荐《新东方英语》大学版月刊,2003年5月创刊,由新东方教育科技集团与《海外文摘》杂志社联合推出,主要读者对象是在校大学生、部分高中生以及广大的英语爱 好者,是国内英语学习类期刊中品质、内容俱佳的双语杂志。 《新东方英语》以“提高实力、充实人生”为办刊理念,旨在“提高读者英语应用能力,传播新东方文化精髓、与读者分享人生感悟”。
  【摘 要】无论是在英语谚语还是维吾尔谚语中,都大量运用了动物词汇。此文中作者列出了两种语言中最常用的动物形象来进行对比研究,分别提到了马、狗、驴、狼和鱼,最后进行对比并找出异同,最后得到结论英维谚语中的动物形象有何异同,并追究其原因。


  A Comparison of Animal Images in English and Uyghur Proverbs

  In both English and Uyghur Proverbs, animal images are substantially used in proverbs. Here, the author ranked the most frequently mentioned animals in both English and Uyghur and see how are the images of the five kinds of animals, namely fish, wolf, ass, horse and dog, in English and Uyghur proverbs, weather the images of those animals in English and Uyghur similar or different and why are the images of those animals in English and Uyghur similar or different.

  I. Horse

  1.1 Three Uyghur Proverbs about Horses

  1. At alsang minip kor, qina alsang qikip kor. It means that if you want to buy a horse, try riding it first. It also indicates that, if you want to make a decision, try doing it first.

  2. At alsang qixiga karap al, dos tutsang diliga karap. It means that if you want to buy a horse, look at his teeth first; if you want to make a friend, look into his heart first.

  3. Abdal at minsa bay boldum dar, qamgur axga kirsa may boldum dar. It means that a beggar calls himself rich riding a horse, while qamgur(a kind of vegetable growing in Xinjiang) calls himself juicy finding himself in cuisines.

  1.2 Three English Proverbs about Horses

  1. If wishes were horses, beggars might (or would) ride.

  2. A horse that will not carry a saddle must have no oats. It is applied to idle people who are not worthy of their food and drink.

  3. A horse may stumble on four feet, or a horse stumbles that has four legs. It implies that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and no one is wise at all time.

  II. Dog

  2.1 Three Uyghur Proverbs about Dogs

  1. It agzidin sugak axmas. These is no leftover bones from a dog's mouth.

  2. It bilan billa bolsang, it huyluk bularsan. If you befriend with a dog, you will be doglike in nature.

  3. It bilan dos bolsang, sugak bilan mihman kilar. If you befriend with a dog, it will treat you with nothing but bones.

  2.2 Three English Proverbs about dogs

  1. Dogs wag their tails not so much in love to you as your bread. It means that a dog wags its tail not because it loves you, but because it wants to get something to eat. A person who shows his kindness may have a design to effect.

  2. At open doors dogs come in. It implies that if people keep their doors open,dogs would come it, and so would thieves and impertinent persons.   3. The dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. It means that people who have serious tasks to perform are not troubled by querulous comment.

  III. Ass/ donkey

  3.1 Three Uyghur Proverbs about Asses

  1. Ixigiyok mullamning kulikitix. People with no asses earns quietness.

  2. Ixakning tapkiniga at olmaptu. A horse won't die kicked by an ass.

  3. Ixakning talligini tar kuqa. What an ass choose is nothing but a dead end.

  3.2 Three English Proverbs about Asses

  1. Honey is not for the ass's mouth. It implies that persuasion will not persuade fools. The gentlest words will not divert the anger of the unreasonable.

  2. The ass that is hungry will eat any kind of litter.

  3. An ass endures his burden, but not more than his burden.

  VI. Wolf

  4.1 Three Uyghur Proverbs about Wolves

  1. Bora bugup yar, kaga qukup yar. It means that wolves choke the preys to eat, while crows peck at them.

  2. Boraning balisini on yil bahsangmu, uwusi jangalda. It can be translated that even if you keep a wolf cub for ten years, its home is still in the jungle.

  3. Bora quxida koy kuerar. It can be interpreted as that what wolves dream of is nothing but sheep

  4.2 Three English Proverbs about Wolves

  1. Him who makes himself a sheep the wolf eats. It can also be said "he that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf".

  2. Ill herds make fat wolves. It signifies that careless keepers give thieves occasion to steal.

  3. The wolf may loose his teeth, but never his nature (or memory). This proverb can also be said "the fox may grow grey, but never good."


  5.1 Three Uyghur Proverbs about Fish

  1. Bilik qihmas kirgak ga, ilinmisa karmak ga. It can be understood as that fish won't swim to the bank if not nibble at the bait.

  2. Bilik sudin ayrilmas, batur aldin ayrilmas. It means that what fish to the water is what hero to the folks.

  3. Bilik tutsang sugakir, darak kassang orman ga. What it means is that step into the water if you want to catch fish.

  5.2 Three English Proverbs about Fish

  1. When the fish is caught, the net is set aside. It means that when the end is attained, the means is forgotten.

  2. Never offer to teach fish to swim.

  3. Fools lade the water, and wise men catch the fish. Or fools make feasts, and wise men eat them.

  5. 2 Findings

  The images of horse in Uyghur proverbs include property, richness, a friend, and horse itself, while the images of horse in English proverbs are property, people, unobtainable things, and a leader. It is clear that it is more metaphorically used in English than in Uyghur.   The images of dog in Uyghur proverbs include bad influence, bad temper, stubbornness and dog itself, while the images of dog in English proverbs are people, victim, bad influence and selfishness. We can see obviously that in both languages dog represents bad influence.

  The images of ass in Uyghur proverbs include commercial goods, problems, bad temper, stupidity and ass itself, while the images of ass in English proverbs are too much speech, foolishness and the ability to tolerate.

  The images of wolf in Uyghur proverbs include wild nature, enemy, terror and thieves, while the images of wolf in English proverbs are tyrant, power, enemy, thief, wild nature, eating habit and influence.

  The images of fish in Uyghur proverbs include achievement, odd chances and dependence on the water, while the images of fish in English proverbs are people, achievement, unobtainable things and swimming professionals.

  The images of bird in Uyghur proverbs include youth, people, chitchats and its appeals to the sky, while the images of bird in English proverbs are people and achievement.

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