发布时间:2015-06-23 18:53:01 更新时间:2018-11-15 15:55:22
我是一个二年级的研究生 以前都没有发过论文 只是本科的时候 随便写了个毕业论文(烂的很),读了研究生遇见一个很有野心的老板,管你行不行统统都给我写英文论文,顶着巨大的压力,我也只能硬着头皮上了,当然任何事情起步都很难,在新编医药大辞典、cnki翻译助手、google翻译等翻译软件的帮助下渐渐可以看懂英文文章,但是速度就是慢了点。刚好老板跟学校的一个牛人合作了一个大课题,我有材料来写论文了。我是学检验的,课题组只能让我们写写正常值的参考范围(管它呢有的写就不错了,毕竟这个比较浅显易懂)。后来我花了一个月的时间写好论文,个人觉得大部分还是参考别人写的类似的文章的句子,然后自己稍加修改,毕竟如果都是自己写的话表达方面不是很好。毕竟是第一次写,老板也是不放心,花了几十美元找国外的网站修改语法(还是有必要的如果你对自己语法没信心)。下面我就把SCI论文投稿过程的全部信件内容贴出来(这些好多都少不了战友的帮助)
1. coverletter
Dear Editors:
We would like the Editorial Board of 杂志名称 to consider our manuscript “题目”. These data have not been published elsewhere and are not being considered for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, in any language. All authors have read and approved the submission of the manuscript.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The direct mailing address:
隶属单位Tel: Fax: Email:
2. 在投稿被拒绝了3次了之后,终于等来了春天,一般投稿都要你,编辑来信
The reviewers have completed examination of your above-referenced manuscript. We are pleased to inform you that it has been considered acceptable for publication in 杂志名, pending revision. The comments of the reviewers are enclosed for your guidance in revising the paper.
We require that revised manuscript be returned to us within four weeks. We trust that you can accommodate this requirement and
we look forward to receiving it.
With your resubmission, please include a covering letter to explain, point by point, how you have dealt with each comment. Please the last version of the manuscript (the word processing software we use is Microsoft Word [.doc]), the conflict of interest statement and the copyright transfer.
还有两个审稿人的意见内容太多 我就不贴出来了
3. 我的回信
Dear Dr. Massimo Gion:
On behalf of my co-authors, we thank you very much for giving us an opportunity to revise our manuscript, we appreciate reviewers very much for their positive and constructive comments and suggestions on our manuscript entitled “题目”.
We have revised the manuscript which marked in red in the paper, according to the comments and suggestions of reviewers, and responded, point by point to, the comments as listed below.
We would like to re-submit this revised manuscript to 杂志名, and hope it is acceptable for publication in the journal. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
With kindest regards,
Response to reviewer 1:
1. Response to comment:The paper was written in unsatisfactory English.
Response: We are ashamed for our unsatisfactory English and thank you very much for your cautious correction. We spent a lot of time, after we received your email, working through the paper and made some small changes marked in red in the paper to improve the English expression.Because the minor modifications are so many that we do not enumerate them.
2. Response to comment:The paper submitted has the drawback of excluding healthy female subjects from evaluation.
Response: Our data was derived from the Fangchenggang Area Male Healthy and Examination Survey (FAMHES) which was designed to investigate the effects of environmental and genetic factors and their interaction on the development of age-related chronic disease. But female subjects were not investigated in the project. It's a pity that our reference interval study is lack of female subjects. However, the lack of female gender investigation, as the reviewer said, is partially compensated by the fact that other authors of large and recent studies have not found a gender-related difference for AFP and CEA.
3. Response to comment:Beneath other factors the difference in ethnic samples and determination methods as discussed by the authors may be a main reason.
Response: The reference interval study was performed in accordance with standard operating procedures and the operational errors should be minor. Therefore the discrepancy in the results of reference interval studies is mainly due to the differences in subjects and diversities of measurements.
4. Response to comment:Therefore it would have been helpful, if the authors had investigated this question by log-transformation of the AFP and CEA values and testing for normality by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test.
Response: After log-transformation, the results of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-test showed thatthe distribution of AFP and CEA, as you have said, conformed to a Gaussian distribution with Z=1.138 (P=0.150) and Z=0.901 (P=0.391), respectively. The parametric reference intervalswere then calculated. The content about this topic has been added in line 8, page 2, line 16, page 6, line 3, page 7 and line 3, page 9. The table II and III have also been edited. Moreover, histogram of log-AFP and log-CEA values has been added to figure 1.
5. Response to comment:Table I-III: the abbreviations of M (mean?, median?), R (range?), Q(?)R and RI should be indicated in the heading of tables.
Response: We are sorry for forgetting to interpret the abbreviations of M, R, QR and RI in the heading of tables and this oversight has been corrected.
Response to reviewer 2:
Response to comment:The relevance of this work in the clinical practice is very poor. The knowledge of precise concentrations of tumor markers in normal healthy adult for cancer screening and diagnosis is useless.
Response: Tumor marker tests are not used alone to detect and diagnose cancer because most tumor markers can be elevated in patients who don't have a tumor. Although tumor markers are typically imperfect as screening tests to detect hidden cancers, once a particular tumor has been found with a marker, the marker may be a marvel as a means of monitoring the success (or failure) of treatment. The tumor marker level may also reflect the extent (the stage) of the disease, indicate how quickly the cancer is likely to progress and so help determine the prognosis. The acquaintance of whether the level of serum tumor maker is abnormal is based on cut-off level. Moreover, the current research about reference intervals for serum AFP and CEA is the first published report regarding Chinese populations. Therefore, this study is of great significance.
I have rewrite “Assessment of the clinical value of serum tumor markersrequires knowledge about their precise concentrations in normal healthy adults” to “The knowledge about the cut-off level of tumor markers may help distinguish between benign and malignant disease” (line 6, page 3).
4. 后面我又经历了一次小修,就不再赘述。接下来是负责排版的editor来信要确实最终的proof,及填写单印本订购单(OFFPRINT ORDER FORM)和版权转让表(COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM),问了师兄师姐及园子里德战友的意见,大家都够单印本可以不要(如果要是要几百欧元的,贵啊),我就直接在回信里拒绝了,COPYRIGHT TRANSFER FORM我填好以后给老板签字,然后又扫描成pdf转发给编辑,下面是我的回信
Dear Sir/Madame Campori,
Thank you for sending the galley proofs of the article to us and your kindly reminding. We have checked the galley proofs carefully including typographical errors, proper placement of pictures and tables, omissions and specific editor’s queries. We reply as follow:
1. In the text we found in red the questions
Response: Thank you for your reminding and we approved of all the changes after discussion. In the text, “Male Healthy and Examination Survey” should be replaced with “Male Health and Examination Survey” and the change of “The 1-sided nonparametric RIs” is OK.
2. Fig. 1 - whether we want to have color picture?
Response: We really apologize for having submitted the color picture. We want all the pictures to be published in black and white.
Response: we feel very sorry to tell you that we do not need the offprints of our paper and the offprint order form is not filled in.
We are looking forward to publishing our article and send our best regards
Dear Sir/Madame Campori,
We feel terribly sorry for our deferred letter.We were all immersed in the joy of the Spring Festivalin which is Chinese traditional New Year.We had a long holiday and got to a trip so as to did not see your letter in time. We have checked the final PDF and everything is ok.We deeply hope our fault does not cause you too much trouble and looking forward to publishing our article.
Thank you
Best regards