

发布时间:2023-04-06 10:41:02  更新时间:2023-04-06 10:41:02

已签订领域:化学工程/制药,医学题目:**作为抗癌剂***催化剂**取代苯丙***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:用**电***生物传感器**癌症**SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:**氧化石墨烯纳米***材料的生物传感器***结肠癌生物**癌胚****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:聚合物纳米***a-硫辛酸***在神经炎症***应用***临床分析SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机视觉/遥感/智能驾驶/汽车题目:**深度学习***高分辨率遥感***车辆检***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:社会交流***领导***倾向***方向SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:**中小企业社交媒体****可持续绩效***因素探析SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:利用硫氨酸***石墨烯纳米***电化学***传感器实现癌胚抗原***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:基于抗***纳米复合***高性能***早起癌症诊断***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:***政治冲突****绿色金融、金融**、气***化***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:冲***中能源不安全对***和环境***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生***社交媒体***成绩影响***SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:巴基斯坦***学习实施的***的**SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生对****下网络教学**思***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:**教师和学生对影响***医疗**效果的****看法SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:**货币、黄金、**和美国***的波动***相互依赖性:**数据的分析SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:东南亚***内**趋同***中等收入**:新**的***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑,历史题目:历史景点在***旅游发***中的***影响**(**研究:**历史***)SSCI,SCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:领导力,管理题目:量化**领导对角色绩效***响:**冲突与工作自主性***作用SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:数字***环境对学生学习成绩***:游戏**和***现实在教育***作用SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***续决策之间的***:创新***识的**作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:课程**对大学生***发展的影响:学习习惯和***的***作用SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***与可持续决策**:高等***学生认知***作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语****学**与人工智能****学习SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐**对学生成绩***的影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:基于预先处理模型***模式人体工程学***女生肌肉骨骼***预防行为*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:制定一个***人体工程学**,以识别、优先考虑***职业压力源的*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:多重工作**压力和工作***:***工效学方法的混合方法*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:数学模型***结构调整和经济转型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**数学模型在***媒体营销**中的应用*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**模型在***物流运**能力***研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:碳****经济的数学模型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农****社区**发展***分**SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:创业***对乡村****发展的****SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农村创业****的空间*****究SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:纳米颗粒*****及其在癌症****和重金属*****检测中的应用SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****前列腺癌药物氟****检测方法的*****腺癌治疗SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:气海***********金纳米颗粒的新型****************粘土及其对胃癌********************抗癌SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于抗***********GCE纳米***********材料的高性能*******************早期癌症SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:用******电化学生物传感器*****癌症***************SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****石墨烯纳米****材料的生物传感******用于测定结肠*****生物*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:聚合***纳米复合电极*****疏辛酸电化学检测*********SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:利用****酸/**糖**石墨烯纳米复合修饰的电化学*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境能源,绿色投资题目:环境能源、绿色投资、城市化和环境类方向SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语教学**人工智能***习SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐形式*学生***影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,绿色投资题目:***能源效率***化之间的***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济政策题目:***阐明**印度经济***的关系SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融题目:***国家的能源***重***SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融投资题目:***融新之间***直接投资***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数学,统计学,管理学题目:非***想重限制下***袭评价***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数字,管理学题目:基干***生产系统***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农业,土壤科学题目:不同***有机覆盖***养分循环SSCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:电力与能源系统,管理题目:pv***氢定价的***随***型稀SSCI,SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑规划,计算机题目:使用***因子分析法***可持续***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:工程技术,纺织工程,材料科学题目:甘***淀粉酶的提取***退浆中的应用SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:饲料***镉毒性的交互***生长***病理学***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:****鱼水源***起的生******SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:金融,环境经济题目:*****预算在能效、绿色***的作用SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:应用数学/计算物理题目:***非线性库***自相位调制***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,医学检测题目:***COVID-19***力***算法***决策SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,物联网,智慧城市题目:基于***物联网****算法SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

1:Journal of Hematology & Oncology创刊于2008年,出版周期是Irregular,目前的影响因子是8.731,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,6-12周。

Journal of Hematology & Oncology

英文简介:Journal of Hematology & Oncology is an open access journal that publishes top-quality research encompassing all aspects of hematology and oncology. The journal also publishes reviews and research highlights on "hot topics" from leading experts in the field.Hematology and oncology are closely intertwined and rapidly evolving fields. More physician scientists performing laboratory-based research are rapidly bringing research in hematology and oncology from bench to bedside. Journal of Hematology & Oncology aims to meet the demand for a journal dedicated to publishing discovery from both of these fields.Journal of Hematology & Oncology aims to serve as an international platform for sharing laboratory and clinical findings in an open access format among laboratory scientists, physician scientists, hematologists and oncologists. A rapid turnaround time from submission to publication means that knowledge and new successes can be shared in real time.




英文简介:Blood, The Journal of The American Society of Hematology is published 25 times (in two volumes) per year by The American Society of Hematology (ASH).


3:JOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC HEMATOLOGY ONCOLOGY创刊于1995年,出版周期是Bimonthly,目前的影响因子是0.947,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均2.5月录用比例是约25%。


英文简介:Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. ISSN: 1077-4114.The Journal of Pediatric Hematology / Oncology reports on major advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and blood diseases in children. Each bimonthly issue presents informative case studies and original research articles from leading clinicians and investigators worldwide. Also featured are specially developed Continuing Seminars, which serve the continuing education needs of physicians by offering new insights into many areas of interest, as well as analyses of radiological problems in pediatric hematology / oncology and discussions of pertinent ethical and legal issues.

中文简介:由Lippincott Williams和Wilkins出版。ISSN: 1077 - 4114。《儿科血液学/肿瘤学杂志》报告了在儿童癌症和血液疾病的诊断和治疗方面的重大进展。每一期双月刊提供来自世界领先临床医生和研究人员的有价值的案例研究和原创研究文章。专题还包括专门开发的持续研讨会,通过对许多感兴趣的领域提供新的见解,分析儿科血液学/肿瘤学中的放射学问题,讨论相关的伦理和法律问题,从而满足医生的继续教育需求。

4:JOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND THROMBOLYSIS创刊于1994年,出版周期是Bimonthly,目前的影响因子是2.941,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是偏慢,4-8周录用比例是容易。


英文简介:The Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis is a long-awaited resource for contemporary cardiologists, hematologists, vascular medicine specialists and clinician-scientists actively involved in treatment decisions and clinical investigation of thrombotic disorders involving the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems. The principal focus of the Journal centers on the pathobiology of thrombosis and vascular disorders and the use of anticoagulants, platelet antagonists, cell-based therapies and interventions in scientific investigation, clinical-translational research and patient care.The Journal will publish original work which emphasizes the interface between fundamental scientific principles and clinical investigation, stimulating an interdisciplinary and scholarly dialogue in thrombosis and vascular science. Published works will also define platforms for translational research, drug development, clinical trials and patient-directed applications. The Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis' integrated format will expand the reader's knowledge base and provide important insights for both the investigation and direct clinical application of the most rapidly growing fields in medicine-thrombosis and vascular science.The Journal seeks original manuscripts devoted to fundamental science in cardiovascular disease, laboratory investigation, pharmacogenetics, clinical research, global health and epidemiology. State-of-the-art reviews, position papers and editorials will be summoned by invitation from the editor or an appointed guest editor. The Journal will publish special issues and supplements from national and international symposia and scientific committees in a timely fashion by working closely with organizers and contributing authors.


5:BRITISH JOURNAL OF HAEMATOLOGY创刊于1955年,出版周期是Semimonthly,目前的影响因子是5.206,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均1月录用比例是较易。


英文简介:The Official Journal of the British Society for Haematology and the European Haematology Association. The British Journal of Haematology publishes original research papers in clinical, laboratory and experimental haematology. The Journal also features annotations, reviews, rapid papers of special scientific importance, short reports, Letters to the Editor and book reviews. In addition, the Journal publishes, in supplement form, abstracts of the meetings of the British Society for Haematology and the European Haematology Association.




英文简介:The Official Journal of the World Federation of Haemophilia. Haemophilia is an international journal dedicated to the exchange of information regarding the comprehensive care of haemophilia. The global coverage of the journal is reflected in the wide span of countries from which papers have been accepted. The editorial policy is to publish for both the developed and the less economically developed countries and to this end every issue of Haemophilia includes abstracts in full.


7:LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA创刊于1989年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是2.674,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均1.8月录用比例是约66.66%。


英文简介:Leukemia and Lymphoma is an international journal that brings together clinical and laboratory data on lymphomas, leukemias and allied disorders including myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia and Lymphoma publishes full-length papers, communications and reviews on clinical and therapeutic practice, laboratory diagnosis, pathology, cytology, ultrastructure, cytogenetics and cellular and molecular immunology; the journal aims at a strong clinical-pathologic correlation. Interesting or unusual case reports of importance are also included. In addition, an update is provided on the basic issues and advances in molecular genetics as applied to this field. The journal will provide an important reference source for physicians and scientists who deal essentially with the clinical and laboratory diagnosis, clinical care and therapy of patients with these disorders.




英文简介:Hematology is an international journal publishing original and review articles in the field of general hematology, including oncology, pathology, biology, clinical research and epidemiology. Of the fixed sections, annotations are accepted on any general or scientific field: technical annotations covering current laboratory practice in general hematology, blood transfusion and clinical trials, and current clinical practice reviews the consensus driven areas of care and management.Hematology aims to bridge the interests and practices of both those carrying out laboratory work and those whose main inclination is towards patient care. The journal provides a forum where the clinical aspects of any published material will be emphasised.The editors welcome papers from all related areas of research including: ?general hematology ?oncology ?pathology ?biology ?clinical research ?epidemiology ?thalassemias and leukemias




英文简介:Transfusion is the journal of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB). It is the foremost publication in the world for new information regarding transfusion medicine. Written by and for members of the AABB and other health-care workers, the journal reports on the latest technical advances, discusses opposing viewpoints regarding controversial issues, and presents key conference proceedings. In addition to blood banking and transfusion medicine topics, the journal also presents submissions concerning tissue transplantation, and hematopoietic, cellular, and gene therapies. Articles are accepted on merit from nonmembers as well as members of the AABB.


10:Expert Review of Hematology创刊于2008年,目前的影响因子是2.505,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,6-12周录用比例是较易。

Expert Review of Hematology

英文简介:Advanced molecular research techniques have transformed hematology in recent years. With improved understanding of hematologic diseases, we now have the opportunity to research and evaluate new biological therapies, new drugs and drug combinations, new treatment schedules and novel approaches including stem cell transplantation. We can also expect proteomics, molecular genetics and biomarker research to facilitate new diagnostic approaches and the identification of appropriate therapies. Further advances in our knowledge regarding the formation and function of blood cells and blood-forming tissues should ensue, and it will be a major challenge for hematologists to adopt these new paradigms and develop integrated strategies to define the best possible patient care. Expert Review of Hematology (1747-4086) puts these advances in context and explores how they will translate directly into clinical practice. Areas covered include:? Acute leukemias ? Anemias ? Bleeding disorders ? Bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cell transplantation ? Cellular disorders ? Chronic leukemias ? Disorders of iron metabolism ? Hodgkins disease ? Infection in hematology ? Immunodeficiency syndromes ? Autoimmune diseases ? Marrow failure syndromes ? Multiple myeloma and amyloidosis ? Neutropenia ? Non-Hodgkin lymphomas ? Pediatric hematology ? Platelet disorders ? Thrombosis and hemostasis ? Transfusion medicine Expert Review of Hematology provides commentary and analysis to elucidate best clinical practice in hematology and to translate advances in research – in areas such as immunology, stem cell research, and cell and gene therapy – into the clinical context.


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