

发布时间:2023-05-30 08:19:19  更新时间:2023-05-30 08:19:19

已签订领域:化学工程/制药,医学题目:**作为抗癌剂***催化剂**取代苯丙***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:用**电***生物传感器**癌症**SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:**氧化石墨烯纳米***材料的生物传感器***结肠癌生物**癌胚****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:聚合物纳米***a-硫辛酸***在神经炎症***应用***临床分析SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机视觉/遥感/智能驾驶/汽车题目:**深度学习***高分辨率遥感***车辆检***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:社会交流***领导***倾向***方向SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:**中小企业社交媒体****可持续绩效***因素探析SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:利用硫氨酸***石墨烯纳米***电化学***传感器实现癌胚抗原***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:基于抗***纳米复合***高性能***早起癌症诊断***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:***政治冲突****绿色金融、金融**、气***化***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:冲***中能源不安全对***和环境***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生***社交媒体***成绩影响***SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:巴基斯坦***学习实施的***的**SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生对****下网络教学**思***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:**教师和学生对影响***医疗**效果的****看法SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:**货币、黄金、**和美国***的波动***相互依赖性:**数据的分析SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:东南亚***内**趋同***中等收入**:新**的***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑,历史题目:历史景点在***旅游发***中的***影响**(**研究:**历史***)SSCI,SCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:领导力,管理题目:量化**领导对角色绩效***响:**冲突与工作自主性***作用SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:数字***环境对学生学习成绩***:游戏**和***现实在教育***作用SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***续决策之间的***:创新***识的**作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:课程**对大学生***发展的影响:学习习惯和***的***作用SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***与可持续决策**:高等***学生认知***作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语****学**与人工智能****学习SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐**对学生成绩***的影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:基于预先处理模型***模式人体工程学***女生肌肉骨骼***预防行为*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:制定一个***人体工程学**,以识别、优先考虑***职业压力源的*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:多重工作**压力和工作***:***工效学方法的混合方法*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:数学模型***结构调整和经济转型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**数学模型在***媒体营销**中的应用*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**模型在***物流运**能力***研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:碳****经济的数学模型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农****社区**发展***分**SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:创业***对乡村****发展的****SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农村创业****的空间*****究SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:纳米颗粒*****及其在癌症****和重金属*****检测中的应用SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****前列腺癌药物氟****检测方法的*****腺癌治疗SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:气海***********金纳米颗粒的新型****************粘土及其对胃癌********************抗癌SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于抗***********GCE纳米***********材料的高性能*******************早期癌症SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:用******电化学生物传感器*****癌症***************SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****石墨烯纳米****材料的生物传感******用于测定结肠*****生物*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:聚合***纳米复合电极*****疏辛酸电化学检测*********SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:利用****酸/**糖**石墨烯纳米复合修饰的电化学*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境能源,绿色投资题目:环境能源、绿色投资、城市化和环境类方向SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语教学**人工智能***习SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐形式*学生***影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,绿色投资题目:***能源效率***化之间的***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济政策题目:***阐明**印度经济***的关系SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融题目:***国家的能源***重***SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融投资题目:***融新之间***直接投资***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数学,统计学,管理学题目:非***想重限制下***袭评价***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数字,管理学题目:基干***生产系统***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农业,土壤科学题目:不同***有机覆盖***养分循环SSCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:电力与能源系统,管理题目:pv***氢定价的***随***型稀SSCI,SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑规划,计算机题目:使用***因子分析法***可持续***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:工程技术,纺织工程,材料科学题目:甘***淀粉酶的提取***退浆中的应用SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:饲料***镉毒性的交互***生长***病理学***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:****鱼水源***起的生******SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:金融,环境经济题目:*****预算在能效、绿色***的作用SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:应用数学/计算物理题目:***非线性库***自相位调制***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,医学检测题目:***COVID-19***力***算法***决策SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,物联网,智慧城市题目:基于***物联网****算法SCI三区 直击了解更多选题


英文简介:Forests (ISSN 1999-4907) is an international and cross-disciplinary scholarly journal of forestry and forest ecology. It publishes research papers, short communications and review papers. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided for research articles.There are, in addition, unique features of this journal:computed data or files regarding the full details of the experimental procedure, if unable to be published in a normal way, can be deposited as supplementary materialwe also accept manuscripts communicating to a broader audience with regard to research projects financed with public fundsmanuscripts regarding research proposals and research ideas are welcomed

中文简介:《森林》(ISSN 1999-4907)是一本国际性、跨学科的林业与森林生态学学术期刊。它出版研究论文、简短通讯和评论论文。这篇论文的篇幅没有限制。我们的目标是鼓励科学家尽可能详细地发表他们的实验和理论研究。研究论文必须提供完整的实验和/或系统的细节。此外,这本杂志还有一些独特的特点:有关实验程序全部细节的计算数据或文件,如不能正常发表,可作为补充材料存放我们也接受与更广泛的读者交流有关公共资金资助的研究项目的手稿欢迎提交有关研究建议和研究思路的稿件

2:TREE PHYSIOLOGY创刊于1986年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是3.477,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是偏慢,6-12周录用比例是较难。

英文简介:Tree Physiology publishes both reviews and original research reports on all aspects of physiology of trees, other woody species, and species of arborescent growth forms (a full list of topics can be found in our Instructions to Authors). Tree Physiology is a refereed journal distributed internationally.Tree Physiology was founded in 1986 by Alfred Burdett and Rozanne Poulson of Heron Publishing. Under their management, the journal grew in both size and reputation to become one of the top-ranking journals in the field. Oxford Journals will continue to build on this solid foundation and ensure wider dissemination and further development of Tree Physiology.

中文简介:树木生理学出版评论和原始研究报告的所有方面的树木生理学,其他木本物种,和乔木生长形式的物种(完整的清单可以在我们的指导作者)。《树木生理学》是一份具有国际代表性的期刊。树木生理学是由Heron出版社的Alfred Burdett和Rozanne Poulson于1986年创立的。在他们的管理下,《华尔街日报》的规模和声誉都有所增长,成为该领域的顶级期刊之一。牛津学报将继续在这一坚实的基础上,确保树木生理学的广泛传播和进一步发展。


英文简介:The Journal of Forestry Research offers articles dealing with all aspects of forestry. It is primarily a medium for reporting original theoretical and experimental research, as well as technical reviews. Approximately 75 per cent of the papers published in the journal are by international researchers; the balance is contributed by Chinese scientists. The authorship covers more than 60 countries. The Journal of Forestry Research is operated by an international editing group which is composed of 41 associate editors from 16 countries, 4 language editors, and 4 full-time publication editors. It has earned a reputation as an important international academic journal.


4:EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH创刊于2004年,出版周期是Bimonthly,目前的影响因子是2.354,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是一般,6-16周录用比例是容易。

英文简介:The European Journal of Forest Research is an international scientific Journal that intends to contribute to a holistic understanding of the principles governing forest ecosystems, as well as their functions and services for society. The journal thus covers a broad range of subjects, from natural sciences to socio-economics, which are represented by a board of subject editors with different fields of expertise (see section ‘Editorial Board’). Irrespective of their specific field, articles published in this journal always provide generalizable knowledge that goes beyond pure description.Ernst Assmann belonged to the most influential German forest scientists in the 20st century. His systemic and scale-overarching scientific approach towards forest dynamics triggered a wealth of research lines that continue up to the present day. In honor of this outstanding researcher, the European Journal of Forest Research initiates the series of Ernst Assmann Reviews on Production Ecology and Quantitative Silviculture.


5:FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT创刊于1976年,出版周期是Semimonthly,目前的影响因子是3.126,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.0个月录用比例是约25%。

英文简介:Forest Ecology and Management publishes scientific articles linking forest ecology with forest management, focusing on the application of biological, ecological and social knowledge to the management and conservation of plantations and natural forests. The scope of the journal includes all forest ecosystems of the world.A peer-review process ensures the quality and international interest of the manuscripts accepted for publication. The journal encourages communication between scientists in disparate fields who share a common interest in ecology and forest management, bridging the gap between research workers and forest managers.


6:URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING创刊于2002年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是3.043,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,6-12周录用比例是较易。

英文简介:Urban Forestry and Urban Greening is a refereed, international journal aimed at presenting high-quality research with urban and peri-urban woody and non-woody vegetation and its use, planning, design, establishment and management as its main topics. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening concentrates on all tree-dominated (as joint together in the urban forest) as well as other green resources in and around urban areas, such as woodlands, public and private urban parks and gardens, urban nature areas, street tree and square plantations, botanical gardens and cemeteries.The journal welcomes basic and applied research papers, as well as review papers and short communications. Contributions should focus on one or more of the following aspects:Form and functions of urban forests and other vegetation, including aspects of urban ecology.Policy-making, planning and design related to urban forests and other vegetation.Selection and establishment of tree resources and other vegetation for urban environments.Management of urban forests and other vegetation.Original contributions of a high academic standard are invited from a wide range of disciplines and fields, including forestry, biology, horticulture, arboriculture, landscape ecology, pathology, soil science, hydrology, landscape architecture, landscape planning, urban planning and design, economics, sociology, environmental psychology, public health, and education.Special attention will be given to interdisciplinary research as developed under the approaches of, for example, urban forestry, arboriculture, urban greening, urban ecology, urban health, urban agriculture, urban horticulture, urban silviculture, and community forestry.



英文简介:The aim of the journal is to publish high quality articles and reviews on all aspects of research, practice and policy that inform and promote the sustainable management of forests and trees.ScopeThe journal is inclusive of all subjects, geographical zones and study locations, including trees in urban environments, plantations and natural forests. We welcome papers that consider economic, environmental and social factors and, in particular, studies that take an integrated approach to sustainable management. In considering suitability for publication, attention is given to the originality of contributions and their likely impact on policy and practice, as well as their contribution to the development of knowledge.Special Issues - each year one edition of Forestry will be a Special Issue and will focus on one subject in detail; this will usually be by publication of the proceedings of an international meeting.


8:Tree Genetics & Genomes创刊于2005年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是1.862,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均3月录用比例是约50%。

英文简介:Tree Genetics and Genomes is an international peer-reviewed journal offering state-of-the-art coverage in all areas of theoretical and applied tree genetics. The editors are committed to making a significant, ongoing contribution to the advancement of tree genetics.Key topics include studies in horticultural and forest tree genomics (functional and comparative); genetic diversity and conservation genetics; molecular genetics, evolutionary genetics and population genetics; tree/forest breeding studies (forest/urban/ornamental/horticultural trees) and bioinformatics. The journal is ideally suited for scientists, researchers and students desiring reliable, accurate coverage of classical genetic approaches, molecular biological approaches, and newer disciplines such as functional genomics.The Editor-in-Chief of Tree Genetics and Genomes may pick selected articles and allocate them to particular topics (like marker breeding, complex traits, epigenetics, etc.). These tagged articles will be brought together on SpringerLink in topical collections, easily accessible online as a service for our readers. Articles of such online collections will be processed and published in issues just like all other articles5-Year Impact Factor: 2.174 (2017)Journal Citation Reports?, Clarivate Analytics

中文简介:《树木遗传学与基因组》是一份国际同行评议期刊,涵盖了理论和应用树木遗传学的所有领域。编辑们致力于为树木遗传学的进步做出重大的、持续的贡献。主要课题包括园艺和林木基因组学研究(功能和比较);遗传多样性与保护遗传学;分子遗传学、进化遗传学和群体遗传学;树木/森林育种研究(森林/城市/观赏/园艺树木)和生物信息学。该杂志非常适合科学家、研究人员和学生,他们希望可靠、准确地报道经典遗传方法、分子生物学方法和功能基因组学等较新的学科。《树遗传学与基因组》的主编可以挑选选定的文章,并将其分配给特定的主题(如标记育种、复杂性状、表观遗传学等)。这些贴有标签的文章将在SpringerLink的专题集合中汇集在一起,方便读者在线阅读。这些在线收藏的文章将像其他文章一样被处理并发表在期刊上5年影响因素:2.174 (2017)期刊引用报告?,Clarivate Analytics

9:Annals of Forest Research目前的影响因子是1.596,。

英文简介:Annals of Forest Research is a semestrial open access journal, which publishes research articles, research notes and critical review papers, exclusively in English, on topics dealing with forestry and environmental sciences. The journal promotes high scientific level articles, by following international editorial conventions and by applying a peer-review selection process.



英文简介:Dendrochronologia is a peer-reviewed international scholarly journal that presents high-quality research related to growth rings of woody plants, i.e., trees and shrubs, and the application of tree-ring studies.The areas covered by the journal include, but are not limited to:ArchaeologyBotanyClimatologyEcologyForestryGeologyHydrologyOriginal research articles, reviews, communications, technical notes and personal notes are considered for publication.


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    二审是论文发表期刊过程中最为严格且重要的环节之一,审稿周期较长,建议作者耐心等待。对于, 论文二审还会给原来的审稿人吗 ? 并没有一个统一的答案,可能是原来的审稿人,也可能是新的审稿人,具体取决于期刊的具体政策和审稿人的可用性。 关于论文二审是否还会送
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    在教育学领域,被ssci收录的期刊众多,想要选择审稿出版快的期刊,对于新手作者来说确实很难,而且出版周期长短与论文质量、期刊的影响力等因素有直接的关系。今天在这里为大家汇总整理了部分 审稿出版最快的教育学SSCI期刊及选题 ,供大家参考: 一、审稿出版最快的教