

发布时间:2023-06-15 15:47:37  更新时间:2023-08-17 09:24:56

已签订领域:化学工程/制药,医学题目:**作为抗癌剂***催化剂**取代苯丙***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:用**电***生物传感器**癌症**SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:**氧化石墨烯纳米***材料的生物传感器***结肠癌生物**癌胚****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:聚合物纳米***a-硫辛酸***在神经炎症***应用***临床分析SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机视觉/遥感/智能驾驶/汽车题目:**深度学习***高分辨率遥感***车辆检***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:社会交流***领导***倾向***方向SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:**中小企业社交媒体****可持续绩效***因素探析SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:利用硫氨酸***石墨烯纳米***电化学***传感器实现癌胚抗原***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:基于抗***纳米复合***高性能***早起癌症诊断***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:***政治冲突****绿色金融、金融**、气***化***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:冲***中能源不安全对***和环境***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生***社交媒体***成绩影响***SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:巴基斯坦***学习实施的***的**SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生对****下网络教学**思***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:**教师和学生对影响***医疗**效果的****看法SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:**货币、黄金、**和美国***的波动***相互依赖性:**数据的分析SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:东南亚***内**趋同***中等收入**:新**的***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑,历史题目:历史景点在***旅游发***中的***影响**(**研究:**历史***)SSCI,SCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:领导力,管理题目:量化**领导对角色绩效***响:**冲突与工作自主性***作用SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:数字***环境对学生学习成绩***:游戏**和***现实在教育***作用SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***续决策之间的***:创新***识的**作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:课程**对大学生***发展的影响:学习习惯和***的***作用SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***与可持续决策**:高等***学生认知***作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语****学**与人工智能****学习SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐**对学生成绩***的影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:基于预先处理模型***模式人体工程学***女生肌肉骨骼***预防行为*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:制定一个***人体工程学**,以识别、优先考虑***职业压力源的*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:多重工作**压力和工作***:***工效学方法的混合方法*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:数学模型***结构调整和经济转型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**数学模型在***媒体营销**中的应用*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**模型在***物流运**能力***研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:碳****经济的数学模型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农****社区**发展***分**SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:创业***对乡村****发展的****SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农村创业****的空间*****究SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:纳米颗粒*****及其在癌症****和重金属*****检测中的应用SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****前列腺癌药物氟****检测方法的*****腺癌治疗SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:气海***********金纳米颗粒的新型****************粘土及其对胃癌********************抗癌SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于抗***********GCE纳米***********材料的高性能*******************早期癌症SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:用******电化学生物传感器*****癌症***************SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****石墨烯纳米****材料的生物传感******用于测定结肠*****生物*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:聚合***纳米复合电极*****疏辛酸电化学检测*********SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:利用****酸/**糖**石墨烯纳米复合修饰的电化学*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境能源,绿色投资题目:环境能源、绿色投资、城市化和环境类方向SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语教学**人工智能***习SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐形式*学生***影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,绿色投资题目:***能源效率***化之间的***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济政策题目:***阐明**印度经济***的关系SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融题目:***国家的能源***重***SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融投资题目:***融新之间***直接投资***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数学,统计学,管理学题目:非***想重限制下***袭评价***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数字,管理学题目:基干***生产系统***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农业,土壤科学题目:不同***有机覆盖***养分循环SSCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:电力与能源系统,管理题目:pv***氢定价的***随***型稀SSCI,SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑规划,计算机题目:使用***因子分析法***可持续***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:工程技术,纺织工程,材料科学题目:甘***淀粉酶的提取***退浆中的应用SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:饲料***镉毒性的交互***生长***病理学***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:****鱼水源***起的生******SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:金融,环境经济题目:*****预算在能效、绿色***的作用SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:应用数学/计算物理题目:***非线性库***自相位调制***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,医学检测题目:***COVID-19***力***算法***决策SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,物联网,智慧城市题目:基于***物联网****算法SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

1:APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY创刊于1994年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是3.445,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约4.5个月录用比例是约25%。

英文简介:Applied Soil Ecology addresses the role of soil organisms and their interactions in relation to: agricultural productivity, nutrient cycling and other soil processes, the maintenance of soil structure and fertility, the impact of human activities and xenobiotics on soil ecosystems and bio(techno)logical control of soil-inhabiting pests, diseases and weeds.



英文简介:Geoderma - the global journal of soil science - welcomes authors, readers and soil research from all parts of the world, encourages worldwide soil studies, and embraces all aspects of soil science and its associated pedagogy. The journal particularly welcomes interdisciplinary work focusing on dynamic soil processes and functions across space and time.Instructions for authorsGeoderma aims to stimulate cooperation and understanding among workers in the different fields of soil science by bringing together papers from the entire field of soil research rather than emphasizing any single sub-discipline. The journal publishes primary studies, reviews as well as scientific correspondence with respect to all types of soils, including agricultural, forest, and urban soils. We particularly welcome interdisciplinary work focusing on soil processes and functions across space and time. In order to facilitate extrapolation of published results, we strongly encourage our authors to include a soil classification according to the World Reference Base for Soil Resources and, if appropriate, a published national classification system.

中文简介:Geoderma -全球土壤科学杂志-欢迎来自世界各地的作者、读者和土壤研究,鼓励全球范围内的土壤研究,并包括土壤科学及其相关教学的所有方面。该杂志特别欢迎跨学科的工作,侧重于跨时空的动态土壤过程和功能。说明作者Geoderma旨在通过汇集整个土壤研究领域的论文,而不是强调任何单一的子学科,来促进不同土壤科学领域的工作者之间的合作和理解。该杂志出版关于所有类型土壤的初步研究、评论以及科学通信,包括农业、森林和城市土壤。我们特别欢迎跨学科的工作,重点是跨越时空的土壤过程和功能。为了便于对已发表的结果进行推断,我们强烈鼓励我们的作者根据《世界土壤资源参考基础》以及在适当情况下根据已发表的国家分类系统对土壤进行分类。

3:BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS创刊于1985年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是4.829,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.0个月录用比例是较易。

英文简介:Biology and Fertility of Soils publishes in English original papers, reviews and short communications on all fundamental and applied aspects of biology – microflora and microfauna - and fertility of soils. It offers a forum for research aimed at broadening the understanding of biological functions, processes and interactions in soils, particularly concerning the increasing demands of agriculture, deforestation and industrialization. The journal includes articles on techniques and methods that evaluate processes, biogeochemical interactions and ecological stresses, and sometimes presents special issues on relevant topics.


4:Soil Research目前的影响因子是1.569,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均12月录用比例是约25%。

英文简介:Soil Research is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal published by CSIRO Publishing. It aims to rapidly publish high-quality, novel research about fundamental and applied aspects of soil science. As well as publishing in traditional aspects of soil biology, soil physics and soil chemistry across terrestrial ecosystems, the journal also publishes manuscripts dealing with wider interactions of soils with the environment.


5:NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是2.848,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,12-24周录用比例是容易。

英文简介:Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems publishes peer-reviewed papers and rapid communications based on original research as well as reviews, perspectives and commentaries of interest to an international readership. Coverage extends to all aspects of carbon and nutrient cycling as well as management in soil-crop-animal systems, their effects in ecological, agronomic, environmental and economic terms. The range of topics includes agronomic, agroforestry, livestock, pasture, organic agriculture, bioenergy, and fallow systems or system components such as plants and the fertility, chemistry, physics or faunal and micro-biology of soils, as well as system inputs from and losses to the anthroposphere, atmosphere and hydrosphere. The Editor-in-Chief of Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems is Johannes Lehmann, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA.



英文简介:PEDOSPHERE—A peer-reviewed international journal (ISSN 1002-0160; CN 32-1315/P) was founded in 1991 and is published bimonthly in English (without Chinese edition) by Elsevier B.V. and Science Press. PEDOSPHERE is sponsored jointly by the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Soil Science Society of China; in cooperation with China Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University, South China Agricultural University, and Zhejiang University. The Editor-in-Chief is Prof. Shen Ren-Fang who is President of the Soil Science Society of China, and Director of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences. PEDOSPHERE welcomes submissions from scientists around the world under a broad scope of topics relevant to timely, high quality original research findings, especially up-to-date achievements and advances in the entire field of soil science studies dealing with environmental science, ecology, agriculture, bioscience, geoscience, forestry, etc. It publishes mainly original research articles as well as some reviews, mini reviews, short communications and special issues; and its areas of particular interest include soil physics; soil chemistry; soil biology and biochemistry; soil fertility and plant nutrition; soil resources and use; soil mineralogy; soil environment and ecology; soil and water conservation; forest, range, and wetland soils; soil salinity and management; soil and plant analysis and technology; and soil gases and global change. Papers submitted to the Journal PEDOSPHERE must be sent out for double-blind in-depth peer review by the Editorial Committee, which is composed of 42 foreign and 21 Chinese worldwide renowned soil scientists from 24 countries, and by its scientific review panel composed of thousands of internationally invited experts prior to acceptance for publication. PEDOSPHERE has been abstracted/indexed in most of the internationally important relevant databases and abstracts, such as Current Contents, Science Citation Index Expanded, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts, BIOSIS, Chemical Abstracts, SCOPUS, VINITI Abstracts Journal (РЖ), Japan Information Center of Science & Technology (CBST), Biological Abstracts, CAB Abstracts, ScienceDirect, Elsevier BIOBASE, GEOBASE, ASCI, Ecological Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt, Environment Encyclopedia and Directory, Soils and Fertilizers, Water Resources Abstracts, Irrigation and Drainage Abstracts, AGRICOLA, AGRIS, AGRINDEX, GeoRef, Bibliography and Index of Geology, Geographical Abstracts, Geological Abstracts, Geomechanics Abstracts, Grasslands and Forage Abstracts, Current Advances in Plant Sciences, Agroforestry Abstracts, Field Crop Abstracts, Forestry Abstracts, Horticultural Abstracts, International Development Abstracts, Maize Abstracts, Nematological Abstracts, Plant Growth Regulator Abstracts, Rice Abstracts, Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts, Chinese Science Abstracts, CSCD, CSTPCD, CJCR, CNKI, and CAJCED. To date the published papers in PEDOSPHERE submitted by authors from over 30 countries outside China, such as USA, UK, France, Australia, Canada, Germany, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Israel, Japan, Poland, India, Brazil, Thailand, Pakistan, Greece, Syria and Bangladesh, have accounted for more than 30% of the total. Additionally, over 90% of the published articles in the journal belong to research projects supported by various international and national scientific foundations. PEDOSPHERE’s audience: Scientific and technical researchers and workers as well as university and college teachers and students related to soil science, environmental science, ecology, bioscience, geoscience, agriculture, forestry, etc.

中文简介:pedosphere -同行评审的国际期刊(ISSN 1002-0160;CN 32-1315/P)成立于1991年,由爱思唯尔出版社和科学出版社出版,英文双月刊(不含中文)。PEDOSPHERE由中国科学院土壤科学研究所和中国土壤科学学会联合主办;与中国农业大学、南京农业大学、华南农业大学、浙江大学合作。主编沈仁芳教授,中国土壤科学学会会长,中国科学院土壤科学研究所所长。PEDOSPHERE欢迎来自世界各地的科学家就及时、高质量的原始研究成果,特别是在环境科学、生态学、农业、生物科学、地球科学、林业等整个土壤科学研究领域的最新成果和进展等广泛主题提交意见。主要发表原创研究论文及部分评论、微评论、短通讯、专题;其特别感兴趣的领域包括土壤物理学;土壤化学;土壤生物学和生物化学;土壤肥力和植物营养;土壤资源与利用;土壤矿物学;土壤环境与生态;水土保持;森林、牧场和湿地土壤;土壤盐分与管理;土壤与植物分析与技术;以及土壤气体和全球变化。论文提交《土壤圈必须发出双盲深入同行审查的编辑委员会,它由42个外国和21中国全球24个国家著名土壤科学家和科学审查小组由成千上万的国际邀请专家之前接受出版。土壤圈已经抽象/索引在大多数国际重要的相关数据库和抽象,如当前内容,科学引文索引扩展,剑桥科学文摘,生命现象,化学文摘,斯高帕斯,VINITI文摘杂志(РЖ),日本的科技信息中心(所),生物提取,CAB文摘,ScienceDirect,爱思唯尔BIOBASE, GEOBASE,子囊,生态抽象,污染抽象、环境科学和污染管理,环境百科全书和目录、土壤、肥料、水资源抽象、灌溉和排水抽象、冠心病、AGRIS、AGRINDEX, GeoRef,参考文献和索引的地质、地理抽象、地质抽象、地质力学摘要、草地和饲料摘要当前植物科学的进步,农林摘要、大田作物摘要、林业抽象、园艺文摘,国际发展摘要、玉米抽象,线虫学文摘、植物生长调节剂文摘、水稻文摘、小麦、大麦、小黑麦、中国科学文摘、CSCD、CSTPCD、CJCR、CNKI、CAJCED。截至目前,来自美国、英国、法国、澳大利亚、加拿大、德国、西班牙、意大利、荷兰、新西兰、以色列、日本、波兰、印度、巴西、泰国、巴基斯坦、希腊、叙利亚、孟加拉国等30多个国家的作者在PEDOSPHERE上发表的论文已超过30%。此外,杂志上发表的文章90%以上属于各种国际和国家科学基金会资助的研究项目。PEDOSPHERE的受众群体:与土壤科学、环境科学、生态学、生物科学、地球科学、农林科学等相关的科学技术研究人员和工作者,以及高校教师和学生。

7:SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY创刊于1969年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是5.29,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约2.9个月录用比例是约60%。

英文简介:Soil Biology & Biochemistry publishes original, scientifically challenging research articles of international significance that describe and explain biological processes occurring in soil. These include the possible applications of such knowledge to issues of soil and environmental quality - insofar as such studies inform our understanding of the role of soil biology and biochemistry in mediating soil functions, agricultural sustainability and ecosystem services. The ecology and biochemical processes of soil organisms, their effects on the environment and their interactions with plants are major topics. The applications of new molecular, microscopic and analytical techniques to understanding and explaining population and community dynamics is of great interest. The journal also publishes state-of-the-art reviews of contemporary research that present significant and novel hypotheses, as well as comments and arguments about specific and often controversial aspects of life in the soil.SCOPEThe scope of Soil Biology & Biochemistry publishes scientific research articles of international significance which describe and explain fundamental biological and biochemical features and processes occurring in soil systems.The emphasis is on original research which substantively advances or directs our understanding of the mechanistic basis of how soils function. Articles may involve applications of basic knowledge to applied issues if they provide distinct insight into the role of soil biology and biochemistry in regulating soil functions. Some examples of major topics include:The ecology of all soil organisms (including viruses)How soil biology interacts with soil physical and chemical properties and processes to regulate belowground functionsRelationships and functional interactions between soil biota and plantsThe effects of soil organisms on ecosystem dynamics across spatial and temporal scalesSBB also emphasizes the application of molecular, microscopic, and analytical techniques and modelling approaches to understand, explain and visualise soil functioning. Technique-focused papers must involve a particularly high degree of novelty or significance.In addition, the journal publishes state-of-the-art reviews that consider contemporary research and synthesise knowledge to provide enhanced understanding of biotic roles in soil system functioning.


8:EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL SCIENCE创刊于1994年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是2.818,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,9-18周录用比例是较易。

英文简介:The European Journal of Soil Science is an international journal that publishes outstanding papers that contain one or more of the following: new knowledge, new concepts, new understanding or novel technology.Original research papers must include some novel concepts and be scientifically sound and of good scientific quality. Review and position papers that cover aspects of soil science are also considered.The aims of the EJSS are as follows:? further our understanding of chemical, physical and biological processes and their interactions which define and control soil function, development and distribution? explain the detailed processes and mechanisms by which the soil reacts to, and interacts with, change imposed by the wider environment or direct human intervention (e.g. climate change, pollution)? develop novel approaches, techniques and methods to obtain new understanding of the soil in relation to current and future demands for land-use policies, food and water security, and ecosystem services? illustrate applications of ‘the latest’ methods of proximal sensing, pedometrics, metagenomics and so on to further understanding of the soil? assess soil biodiversity, its functions and interactions with microbial genetics.? contribute to interdisciplinary understanding and aspects of soil function in ecosystem services within a wider, global context? understand the role of soil in human health, as a source of new antibiotics, and in the management of metabolites and nanoparticles from applications of waste water, organic and inorganic amendments to the soil.


9:Soil and Water Research目前的影响因子是1.21,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是>12周,或约稿录用比例是容易。

英文简介:original papers, short communications and critical reviews from all fields of science and engineering related to soil and water and their interactions in natural and man-modified landscapes, with a particular focus on agricultural land use. The fields encompassed include, but are not limited to, the basic and applied soil science, soil hydrology, irrigation and drainage of lands, hydrology, management and revitalisation of small water streams and small water reservoirs, including fishponds, soil erosion research and control, drought and flood control, wetland restoration and protection, surface and ground water protection in therms of their quantity and quality, good agricultural practices, land consolidation and other measures for improving and protecting soils and all other elements of the environment in small agricultural and forested catchments. Socio-economic issues are not excluded. The journal is open to authors from all parts of the world irrespective of their professional background and affiliation. Papers are published in English.


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