

发布时间:2023-11-16 17:39:26  更新时间:2023-11-16 17:39:26

已签订领域:化学工程/制药,医学题目:**作为抗癌剂***催化剂**取代苯丙***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:用**电***生物传感器**癌症**SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:**氧化石墨烯纳米***材料的生物传感器***结肠癌生物**癌胚****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:聚合物纳米***a-硫辛酸***在神经炎症***应用***临床分析SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机视觉/遥感/智能驾驶/汽车题目:**深度学习***高分辨率遥感***车辆检***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:社会交流***领导***倾向***方向SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:**中小企业社交媒体****可持续绩效***因素探析SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:利用硫氨酸***石墨烯纳米***电化学***传感器实现癌胚抗原***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:基于抗***纳米复合***高性能***早起癌症诊断***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:***政治冲突****绿色金融、金融**、气***化***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:冲***中能源不安全对***和环境***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生***社交媒体***成绩影响***SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:巴基斯坦***学习实施的***的**SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生对****下网络教学**思***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:**教师和学生对影响***医疗**效果的****看法SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:**货币、黄金、**和美国***的波动***相互依赖性:**数据的分析SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:东南亚***内**趋同***中等收入**:新**的***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑,历史题目:历史景点在***旅游发***中的***影响**(**研究:**历史***)SSCI,SCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:领导力,管理题目:量化**领导对角色绩效***响:**冲突与工作自主性***作用SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:数字***环境对学生学习成绩***:游戏**和***现实在教育***作用SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***续决策之间的***:创新***识的**作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:课程**对大学生***发展的影响:学习习惯和***的***作用SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***与可持续决策**:高等***学生认知***作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语****学**与人工智能****学习SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐**对学生成绩***的影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:基于预先处理模型***模式人体工程学***女生肌肉骨骼***预防行为*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:制定一个***人体工程学**,以识别、优先考虑***职业压力源的*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:多重工作**压力和工作***:***工效学方法的混合方法*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:数学模型***结构调整和经济转型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**数学模型在***媒体营销**中的应用*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**模型在***物流运**能力***研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:碳****经济的数学模型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农****社区**发展***分**SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:创业***对乡村****发展的****SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农村创业****的空间*****究SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:纳米颗粒*****及其在癌症****和重金属*****检测中的应用SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****前列腺癌药物氟****检测方法的*****腺癌治疗SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:气海***********金纳米颗粒的新型****************粘土及其对胃癌********************抗癌SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于抗***********GCE纳米***********材料的高性能*******************早期癌症SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:用******电化学生物传感器*****癌症***************SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****石墨烯纳米****材料的生物传感******用于测定结肠*****生物*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:聚合***纳米复合电极*****疏辛酸电化学检测*********SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:利用****酸/**糖**石墨烯纳米复合修饰的电化学*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境能源,绿色投资题目:环境能源、绿色投资、城市化和环境类方向SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语教学**人工智能***习SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐形式*学生***影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,绿色投资题目:***能源效率***化之间的***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济政策题目:***阐明**印度经济***的关系SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融题目:***国家的能源***重***SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融投资题目:***融新之间***直接投资***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数学,统计学,管理学题目:非***想重限制下***袭评价***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数字,管理学题目:基干***生产系统***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农业,土壤科学题目:不同***有机覆盖***养分循环SSCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:电力与能源系统,管理题目:pv***氢定价的***随***型稀SSCI,SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑规划,计算机题目:使用***因子分析法***可持续***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:工程技术,纺织工程,材料科学题目:甘***淀粉酶的提取***退浆中的应用SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:饲料***镉毒性的交互***生长***病理学***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:****鱼水源***起的生******SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:金融,环境经济题目:*****预算在能效、绿色***的作用SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:应用数学/计算物理题目:***非线性库***自相位调制***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,医学检测题目:***COVID-19***力***算法***决策SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,物联网,智慧城市题目:基于***物联网****算法SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

1:Frontiers in Genetics目前的影响因子是3.517,。

英文简介:Frontiers in Genetics publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research on genes and genomes relating to all the domains of life, from humans to plants to livestock and other model organisms. Led by an outstanding Editorial Board of the world’s leading experts, this multidisciplinary, open-access journal is at the forefront of communicating cutting-edge research to researchers, academics, clinicians, policy makers and the public.The study of inheritance and the impact of the genome on various biological processes is well documented. However, the majority of discoveries are still to come. A new era is seeing major developments in the function and variability of the genome, the use of genetic and genomic tools and the analysis of the genetic basis of various biological phenomena.Frontiers in Genetics covers the areas of research in the specialty sections outlined below. All specialty sections are open-access and publish original research, reviews, opinions and commentaries. This comprises the full spectrum of genetic and genomic inquiry, from the most basic to the most clinically applied, incorporating methodology, applications, and implications.



英文简介:Genes (ISSN 2073-4425; CODEN: GENEG9) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of genetics and genomics published monthly online by MDPI. The Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) is affiliated with Genes and their members receive discounts on the article processing charges.Open Access Free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.High visibility: Covered by Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science) and Scopus. Citations are available in PubMed, full-text archived in PubMed Central.Rapid publication: Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 19.7 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5.8 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the second half of 2018).Recognition of reviewers: Reviewers who provide timely, thorough peer-review reports receive vouchers entitling them to a discount on the APC of their next publication in any MDPI journal, in appreciation of the work done.Impact Factor: 3.191 (2017) ; 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.286 (2017)

中文简介:基因(ISSN 2073 - 4425;CODEN: GENEG9)是一个同行评审的开放获取遗传学和基因组学杂志,由MDPI每月在线出版。西班牙生物化学和分子生物学协会(SEBBM)隶属于基因协会,其成员在论文处理费上享受折扣。读者免费开放获取,文章处理费(APC)由作者或他们的机构支付。高可视性:被科学引文索引扩展(Web of Science)和Scopus覆盖。引文可在PubMed中找到,全文存档于PubMed Central。快速出版:稿件经过同行评审,并在投稿后约19.7天向作者提供第一个决定;接受发表需要5.8天(2018年下半年发表论文的中值)。评审人员的认可:提供及时、全面的同行评审报告的评审人员将收到相应的凭证,以表彰他们所做的工作,使他们有权在任何MDPI期刊的下一篇文章的APC上获得折扣。影响因素:3.191 (2017);5年影响因子:3.286 (2017)

3:Forensic Science International-Genetics创刊于2007年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是4.884,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是偏慢,4-8周录用比例是较易。

英文简介:Forensic Science International: Genetics is an international journal dedicated to the applications of genetics in the administration of justice. Forensic Science International: Genetics will be specifically devoted to Forensic Genetics. This branch of Forensic Science can be defined as the application of genetics to human and non-human material (in the sense of a science with the purpose of studying inherited characteristics for the analysis of inter- and intra-specific variations in populations) for the resolution of legal conflicts.


4:AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS创刊于1949年,出版周期是Monthly,目前的影响因子是9.924,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是一般,3-6周录用比例是很难。

英文简介:AJHG provides a record of research and review relating to heredity in humans and to the application of genetic principles in medicine and public policy, as well as in related areas of molecular and cell biology. Topics explored by AJHG include behavioral genetics, biochemical genetics, clinical genetics, cytogenetics, dysmorphology, gene therapy, genetic counseling, genetic epidemiology, genomics, immunogenetics, molecular genetics, neurogenetics, and population genetics.AJHG welcomes submissions of articles and reports on timely subjects concerning all aspects of human genetics, including studies of model organisms that are of direct relevance to human genetics. Manuscripts should be written in a manner accessible to investigators representing diverse backgrounds in human genetics. Descriptions of new statistical methods of general interest to the genetics community are welcome. New methods should be compared to existing methods with the use of real data and/or simulations with parameters (e.g., haplotype frequencies, effect sizes) that are based on a real data example (e.g., marker or haplotype data from the HapMap project). All novel computer programs must be made publicly available by the time that the manuscript is published, and a URL for the website must be included in the Web Resources section of the manuscript. Letters commenting on material previously published in AJHG are also welcome.AJHG does not publish reports of either single mutations or mutational surveys of previously identified loci unless they have unusual significance and substantial insight. Descriptions of new linkage assignments will be considered only if they are of special interest. Reports of negative data will not normally be considered.


5:Mobile DNA目前的影响因子是3.63,。

英文简介:Mobile DNA is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles providing novel insights into DNA rearrangements in all organisms, ranging from transposition and other types of recombination mechanisms to patterns and processes of mobile element and host genome evolution. In addition, the journal will consider articles on the utility of mobile genetic elements in biotechnological methods and protocols.


6:Familial Cancer创刊于2000年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是2.209,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,6-12周录用比例是较易。

Familial Cancer

英文简介:In recent years clinical cancer genetics has become increasingly important. Several events in particular the developments in DNA-based technology have contributed to this evolution. Clinical cancer genetics has now matured to a medical discipline which is truly multidisciplinary in which clinical and molecular geneticists work together with clinical and medical oncologists as well as with psycho-social workers. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of clinical cancer genetics most papers are currently being published in a wide variety of journals on epidemiology oncology and genetics. Familial Cancer provides a forum bringing these topics together focusing on the interests and needs of the clinician. The journal will mainly concentrate on clinical cancer genetics. Most major areas in the field will be included such as epidemiology of familial cancer molecular analysis and diagnosis clinical expression treatment and prevention counselling and the health economics of familial cancer.


7:JOURNAL OF GENETICS创刊于1910年,出版周期是Tri-annual,目前的影响因子是0.825,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是平均5月录用比例是约86.25%。

英文简介:This is the oldest English language journal in genetics. Founded by W. Bateson and R. C. Punnett in 1910, the Journal of Genetics was later edited by J. B. S. Haldane; later, Haldane and his wife, Helen Spurway brought the journal with them to India.After his death in 1964, Mrs. Haldane continued publication of the journal, with Madhav Gadgil and H. Sharat Chandra (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore) and Suresh Jayakar (Laboratorio de Genetica Biochimica ed Evoluzionistica, Pavia) as editors, until her own death in 1977. In 1985, with the permission of Haldane’s heirs, the Indian Academy of Sciences resumed publication of the journal.The journal retains its traditional interest in evolutionary research that is of relevance to geneticists, even if not explicitly genetic in nature.

中文简介:这是遗传学领域最古老的英语期刊。 由B.Bateson和R. C. Punnett于1910年创立的遗传学杂志后来由J. B. S. Haldane编辑; 后来,Haldane和他的妻子Helen Spurway将这本杂志带到了印度。在他于1964年去世后,Haldane夫人继续出版该期刊,由Madhav Gadgil和H. Sharat Chandra(印度理工学院班加罗尔)和Suresh Jayakar(Laboratorio de Genetica Biochimica ed Evoluzionistica,Pavia)担任编辑,直至她自己的期刊。 1977年,在Haldane的继承人的许可下,印度科学院恢复了该期刊的出版。该期刊保留了与遗传学家相关的进化研究的传统兴趣,即使其本质上不具有明确的遗传性。


英文简介:Genetica publishes papers dealing with genetics, genomics, and evolution. Our journal covers novel advances in the fields of genomics, conservation genetics, genotype-phenotype interactions, evo-devo, population and quantitative genetics, and biodiversity. Genetica publishes original research articles addressing novel conceptual, experimental, and theoretical issues in these areas, whatever the taxon considered. Biomedical papers and papers on breeding animal and plant genetics are not within the scope of Genetica, unless framed in an evolutionary context. Recent advances in genetics, genomics and evolution are also published in thematic issues and synthesis papers published by experts in the field.Details Concerning the Submission and Publication Procedures:- No Page Charges- No Fees for Color Images Online and in Print- Optional Open Access Publication Fee (APC) – USD 3000,- / Euro 2200,-Genetica will consider fast tracking papers from PCI for publication.Genetica is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal applies COPE’s principles of publication ethics to deal with potential acts of misconduct. Each submission to Genetica is screened for plagiarism. When plagiarism is detected, a manuscript will be immediately rejected.

中文简介:Genetica发表关于遗传学、基因组学和进化的论文。我们的期刊涵盖了基因组学、保护遗传学、基因型-表型相互作用、evo-devo、群体和定量遗传学以及生物多样性等领域的最新进展。Genetica发表原创研究文章,解决这些领域的新概念、实验和理论问题,不管分类单元考虑的是什么。生物医学论文和育种动物和植物遗传学的论文不属于遗传学的范围,除非在进化的背景下。遗传学、基因组学和进化方面的最新进展也发表在该领域专家发表的专题和综合论文中。有关提交及出版程序的详情:-无版面收费-网上及印刷彩色图像免费-可选的开放存取出版费用(APC) - 3000美元,- / 2200欧元,-Genetica将考虑发表PCI的快速跟踪论文。Genetica是出版伦理委员会(COPE)的成员之一。该杂志应用COPE的出版伦理原则来处理潜在的不当行为。提交给Genetica的每一篇文章都会被筛选为剽窃。一旦发现抄袭,稿件将立即被退回。

9:Plant Genome目前的影响因子是4.042,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是>12周,或约稿录用比例是较易。

英文简介:The Plant Genome is an international electronic journal published by the Crop Science Society of America. The goal of The Plant Genome is to provide the readership with a short submission-to-online publication of the latest advances and breakthroughs in plant genomics research. Impact Factor: 2.923; Online ISSN: 1940-3372

中文简介:《植物基因组》是美国作物科学学会出版的国际电子期刊。植物基因组的目标是为读者提供一个简短的在线出版物的最新进展和突破植物基因组研究。影响因子:2.923;在线ISSN: 1940 - 3372


英文简介:Gene has an open access mirror journal Gene: X, sharing the same aims and scope, editorial team, submission system and rigorous peer review.Gene publishes papers that focus on the regulation, expression, function and evolution of genes in all biological contexts, including all prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, as well as viruses.Gene strives to be a very diverse journal and topics in all fields will be considered for publication. Although not limited to the following, some general topics include:? DNA Organization, Replication & Evolution -Focus on genomic DNA (chromosomal organization, comparative genomics, DNA replication, DNA repair, mobile DNA, mitochondrial DNA, chloroplast DNA).? Expression & Function - Focus on functional RNAs (microRNAs, tRNAs, rRNAs, mRNA splicing, alternative polyadenylation) ? Regulation - Focus on processes that mediate gene-read out (epigenetics, chromatin, histone code, transcription, translation, protein degradation). ? Cell Signaling - Focus on mechanisms that control information flow into the nucleus to control gene expression (kinase and phosphatase pathways controlled by extra-cellular ligands, Wnt, Notch, TGFbeta/BMPs, FGFs, IGFs etc.) ? Profiling of gene expression and genetic variation - Focus on high throughput approaches (e.g., DeepSeq, ChIP-Seq, Affymetrix microarrays, proteomics) that define gene regulatory circuitry, molecular pathways and protein/protein networks. ? Genetics - Focus on development in model organisms (e.g., mouse, frog, fruit fly, worm), human genetic variation, population genetics, as well as agricultural and veterinary genetics. ? Molecular Pathology & Regenerative Medicine - Focus on the deregulation of molecular processes in human diseases and mechanisms supporting regeneration of tissues through pluripotent or multipotent stem cells.Gene encourages submission of novel manuscripts that present a reasonable level of analysis, functional relevance and/or mechanistic insight. Gene also welcomes papers that have predominantly a descriptive component but improve the essential basis of knowledge for subsequent functional studies, or provide important confirmation of recently published discoveries.The primary criteria for acceptance are that the work is original and scientifically sound. The journal appreciates that standards of novelty are arbitrary, differ among disciplines and geographic locations, as well as change with time. In partnership with Editors, Referees and Authors, the journal will promote the revision of papers to ensure that accepted papers are reasonably complete and competitive with concurrent submissions in a given field.

中文简介:Gene拥有一个开放获取的镜像期刊Gene: X,目标和范围相同,编辑团队,投稿系统,严格的同行评审。Gene发表的论文关注于基因在所有生物环境中的调控、表达、功能和进化,包括所有原核生物、真核生物以及病毒。Gene致力于成为一个非常多样化的期刊,并将考虑出版各个领域的主题。虽然不限于下列各项,但一些一般性主题包括:?DNA组织、复制与进化-专注于基因组DNA(染色体组织、比较基因组学、DNA复制、DNA修复、移动DNA、线粒体DNA、叶绿体DNA)。?表达与功能-专注于功能rna (microRNAs, tRNAs, rRNAs, mRNA剪接,选择性聚腺苷酸化)?调节-专注于介导基因读出的过程(表观遗传学、染色质、组蛋白编码、转录、翻译、蛋白质降解)。?细胞信号-专注于控制信息流入细胞核以控制基因表达的机制(由细胞外配体、Wnt、Notch、TGFbeta/BMPs、FGFs、IGFs等控制的激酶和磷酸酶通路)。?基因表达和遗传变异的分析-专注于高通量方法(如DeepSeq、ChIP-Seq、Affymetrix微阵列、蛋白质组学),这些方法定义了基因调控回路、分子通路和蛋白质/蛋白质网络。?遗传学——关注模型生物(如小鼠、青蛙、果蝇、蠕虫)、人类遗传变异、群体遗传学以及农业和兽医遗传学的发展。?分子病理学和再生医学-专注于人类疾病的分子过程的解除管制,以及通过多能或多能干细胞支持组织再生的机制。Gene鼓励提交具有合理分析水平、功能相关性和/或机械洞察力的小说手稿。Gene也欢迎那些主要具有描述性成分,但为后续功能研究改善了基本知识基础,或对最近发表的发现提供了重要证实的论文。验收的主要标准是作品的原创性和科学性。《华尔街日报》认识到,新颖性的标准是武断的,因学科和地理位置而异,也会随着时间而变化。该杂志将与编辑、评审和作者合作,促进论文的修订,以确保被接受的论文相对于同一领域内同时提交的论文来说是合理完整和有竞争力的。

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