Geography Compass
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- Geography Compass期刊英文简介
- Geography Compass期刊中文简介
Geography Compass基本信息
Geography Compass期刊英文简介
Unique in its range, Geography Compass is an online-only journal publishing original, peer-reviewed surveys of current research primarily from the human side of the discipline. Geography Compass is inclusive: it does not privilege any one perspective over another, it is open to all authors, and publishes articles that are both theoretical and practical in orientation, or concerned with methodology, as well as issue-oriented reviews. The journal's emphasis is upon state-of-the-art reviews, supported by a comprehensive bibliography and accessible to an international readership of geographers and scholars in related disciplines. Geography Compass is aimed at students, researchers and non-specialist scholars, and will provide a unique reference tool for researching essays, preparing lectures, writing a research proposal, or just keeping up with new developments in a specific area of interest.Geography Compass...…supports your research with over 100 new articles per year, sourced from an international scholarly community. Gain an introduction to new fields, an overview of unfamiliar topics, and familiarity with the latest scholarship and debate.…informs your teaching with lively original articles that are quickly and continuously replenished, and supplemented with teaching guides. Geography Compass will provide you with up-to-date bibliographies and expert analysis on key themes to inspire and engage your studentsExplore Geography Compass for:A new kind of core content: state-of-the-art surveys of current research discuss the major topics, issues, viewpoints, and controversies within each area of the discipline.Coverage of the entire field highlights connections across sub-disciplines within geographical research Reference-linked bibliographies for each article, providing the ideal entry point into specialist literature.Teaching Guides from article authors to inspire and engage your students 100 articles per year: 3 times more than a standard journal.Fast continuous publication: articles typically available 6-8 weeks after acceptance and as an online-only journal there are no issue restrictions.Fields covered by Geography Compass include: Cultural, Development, Economic, Environment and Society, GIS and Quantitative, Historical, Political, Social, and Urban Geography.

Geography Compass期刊中文简介
Geography Compass影响因子