Swiss Political Science Review
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- Swiss Political Science Review期刊英文简介
- Swiss Political Science Review期刊中文简介
Swiss Political Science Review基本信息
Swiss Political Science Review期刊英文简介
Swiss Political Science Review aims to be a pluralist platform for advancing academic knowledge and debate in the field of political science, and in particular for developing intellectual exchange across traditional boundaries between its subfields and with its neighbouring disciplines. Accordingly, it publishes original and innovative work that makes a theoretical or empirical contribution to the study of political phenomena. SPSR encourages contributions from different theoretical and methodological approaches in order to further their mutual engagement.A fully refereed journal, SPSR publishes research and review articles, book reviews as well as special issues on selected topics. While open to submissions on all topics relevant to political science, SPSR particularly welcomes work engaging with changes in modes and structures of governance, and the challenges this presents for political actors and structures. Having its roots in Switzerland, SPSR is particularly interested in advancing knowledge on the implications of the embedding of national and domestic modes and structures of governance in international and transnational ones as well as issues such as federalism, direct democracy or consociational politics.SPSR is published on behalf of the Swiss Political Science Association (SPSA). SPSR has been first published in 1995. It replaced the Annuaire suisse de science politique/Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fur Politische Wissenschaft, an annual published from 1961 to 1994. Full text of the annuals is available via the following link: collaborates with the Swiss Blog DeFacto. Authors can post the main findings of their SPSR articles in German, French or Italian.

Swiss Political Science Review期刊中文简介
《瑞士政治科学评论》的目标是成为一个多元化的平台,促进政治科学领域的学术知识和辩论,特别是发展其子领域之间和与其相邻学科之间的传统边界上的知识交流。因此,它出版对政治现象的研究作出理论或经验贡献的原创和创新著作。SPSR鼓励来自不同理论和方法方法的贡献,以促进它们的相互参与。SPSR是一种完全可参考的期刊,出版研究和评论文章、书评以及特定主题的特刊。SPSR欢迎就与政治学有关的所有主题提交意见,同时特别欢迎改变治理模式和结构的工作,以及这对政治行为者和结构提出的挑战。SPSR的根源在瑞士,它特别感兴趣的是增进关于将国家和国内治理模式和结构嵌入国际和跨国治理模式和结构以及诸如联邦制、直接民主或联合政治等问题的影响的知识。SPSR代表瑞士政治科学协会(SPSA)出版。SPSR于1995年首次出版。它取代了1961年至1994年出版的《瑞士科学政治年鉴》(Annuaire suisse de science politique/Schweizerisches Jahrbuch fur Politische Wissenschaft)。一年生植物的全文可通过以下链接获得:与瑞士博客DeFacto合作。作者可以用德语、法语或意大利语发表他们的SPSR文章的主要发现。
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