Medical Education Online
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- Medical Education Online期刊英文简介
- Medical Education Online期刊中文简介
Medical Education Online基本信息
Medical Education Online期刊英文简介
The aims of MEO is to disseminate information on the education and training of physicians and other health care professionals. Manuscripts on any aspect of the process of educating and training health professionals will be considered for publication. Papers dealing with but not limited to the following research areas are of interest:? Basic science education? Clinical science education? Residency education? Learning theory? Problem-based learning (PBL)? Curriculum development? Research design and statistics? Measurement and evaluation? Faculty development? Informatics/webMEO publishes Editorials, Original articles, Review articles, Letters to the Editor, and Book reviews.MEO publishes three general categories of ORIGINAL ARTICLES:Feature Articles - include articles discussing issues of general interest to the health education community. For example (but not limited to) presenting perspectives as well as reviews and commentary of the literature on a specific topic. With the exception of invited articles and editorials, feature articles are peer-reviewed.Research Articles - present high quality completed research or evaluation studies. Research articles are peer-reviewed.Trend Articles - present new ideas as well as studies or descriptions of programs in the early stages of development. Trend articles are envisioned as a means of quickly disseminating innovative ideas, descriptions of new programs and preliminary results from research and evaluation studies. Manuscripts submitted to this section are peer-reviewed. The preliminary nature of the material submitted will be taken into account in the review process though descriptions of new programs are expected to have at least some minimal level of formative evaluation data.

Medical Education Online期刊中文简介
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