Quantitative Economics
- Quantitative Economics基本信息
- Quantitative Economics中科院SCI期刊分区
- 历年Quantitative Economics影响因子趋势图
- Quantitative Economics期刊英文简介
- Quantitative Economics期刊中文简介
Quantitative Economics基本信息
Quantitative Economics期刊英文简介
The Journal of Quantitative Economics was established in 1983 as the official journal of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) to promote research in the broad areas of Econometrics and Mathematical Economics. From the inception, the journal has had several illustrious scholars such as Kaushik Basu, K.L. Krishna, A.L. Nagar, C.R. Rao, Amartya Sen, T.N. Srinivasan on its editorial board. The journal continues to provide a forum for economists, mathematicians and statisticians to publish quantitative papers in all subfields of Economics, with a special focus on less developed countries.JQEC covers economic theory and theoretical and applied econometrics, with special focus on quantitative applications to less developed countries. It publishes quantitative papers with basic or applied research orientation in all sub-fields of economics that employ rigorous theoretical, empirical and experimental methods. The journal also encourages short papers and review articles and in particular innovative and fundamental papers that focus on various facets of economics of the emerging market and developing economies. With the help of an international editorial board and carefully selected referees, it aims to minimize the time taken to complete the review process while preserving the quality of the articles published.

Quantitative Economics期刊中文简介
《数量经济学杂志》成立于1983年,是印度计量经济学会(TIES)的官方期刊,旨在促进计量经济学和数理经济学广泛领域的研究。自创办以来,《纽约时报》的编辑委员会中就有多位杰出的学者,如Kaushik Basu、K.L. Krishna、A.L. Nagar、C.R. Rao、Amartya Sen、T.N. Srinivasan等。该杂志继续为经济学家、数学家和统计学家提供一个论坛,发表经济学所有子领域的定量论文,特别侧重于较不发达国家。JQEC涵盖了经济理论和理论与应用计量经济学,特别侧重于对欠发达国家的定量应用。它在经济学的所有子领域发表具有基础或应用研究方向的定量论文,采用严格的理论、经验和实验方法。该杂志还鼓励发表短篇论文和评论文章,特别是关注新兴市场和发展中经济体经济各个方面的创新和基础论文。在一个国际编辑委员会和精心挑选的评审人员的帮助下,它的目标是在保持所发表文章质量的同时,尽可能减少完成评审过程所花费的时间。
Quantitative Economics影响因子