Childrens Geographies
- Childrens Geographies基本信息
- Childrens Geographies中科院SCI期刊分区
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- Childrens Geographies期刊英文简介
- Childrens Geographies期刊中文简介
Childrens Geographies基本信息
Childrens Geographies期刊英文简介
Childrens Geographies is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes leading edge research and scholarship relating to children, young people and families. The Journal publishes internationally excellent new work relating to any aspect of the geographies of children, young people and families. Although focused upon geographical issues and spatial concepts, the journal welcomes multi- and inter-disciplinary submissions from researchers in areas such as Sociology, Anthropology, Cultural Studies, Economic Development, Education, Psychology, Legal Studies, Social Policy, Political Science, Urban Design and Architecture. The Journal also provides a forum for policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in these fields. The Journal’s Editorial Board supports the involvement of early career and international researchers.The Journal publishes: fully peer-reviewed research papers (8,000 words), which make a substantial empirical or theoretical contribution to understandings of geographies of children, young people and families;shorter peer-reviewed viewpoint articles (3,000 words), which offer a space for responses to research papers, commentaries on events or concepts, or discussions of policy, legal or social-historical developments relating to children, young people and families;book and media reviews (1,000 words), which provide opportunities for authors to reflect upon recent academic publications or contemporary media/cultural discourses pertinent to the Journal aims.The Journal is published six times per year by Taylor and Francis. The ScholarOne online submission and early publication system ensures timeliness of publication. A programme of themed special issues allows for a sustained focus upon specialist, current topics which are of major importance to the Journal’s aims.

Childrens Geographies期刊中文简介
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