Professional Development in Education
- Professional Development in Education基本信息
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- Professional Development in Education期刊英文简介
- Professional Development in Education期刊中文简介
Professional Development in Education基本信息
Professional Development in Education期刊英文简介
Professional Development in Education is a fully refereed international journal that publishes original contributions on professional learning and development (PLD) in its widest sense. These include the initial preparation of professionals insofar as it affects induction; mentoring and coaching; models of and approaches to professional learning; the management and leadership of professional learning and development and its evaluation; the analysis of local, regional and national policies relating to PLD; and the work of higher education, independent agencies and training and development organisations in supporting and promoting the continuing development of professionals. Contributions will include scholarly discussion of new issues, critical consideration of research in areas relating to PLD, analysis and discussion of new approaches to PLD and conceptual contributions enhancing the debate on the nature and practice of professional learning and development. Although the main focus of articles in the journal is likely to be teacher education, we welcome contributions which discuss the policy and practice of PLD in other professions where the focus of the article is professional learning. The Journal began its life as British Journal of In-service Education (ISSN 0305-7631) before changing to Journal of In-service Education (ISSN 1367-4587) in 1998. From 2009, the Journal has been renamed Professional Development in Education (ISSN 1941-5257).

Professional Development in Education期刊中文简介
《教育专业发展》是一份广受好评的国际学术期刊,出版有关专业学习与发展的原创文章。这些包括在影响入职方面的专业人员的初步准备工作;指导和培训;专业学习的模式和方法;专业学习与发展的管理与领导及其评价分析与可持续发展有关的地方、区域和国家政策;以及高等教育、独立机构和培训及发展组织的工作,以支援和促进专业人士的持续发展。这些贡献将包括对新问题的学术讨论、对PLD相关领域研究的批判性思考、对PLD新方法的分析和讨论,以及加强对专业学习和发展的性质和实践的辩论的概念性贡献。虽然该杂志的文章的主要焦点可能是教师教育,但我们欢迎讨论PLD政策和实践在其他专业的文章的重点是专业学习。《在职教育学刊》(ISSN 0305-7631)的前身是《英国在职教育学刊》(ISSN 1367-4587), 1998年更名为《在职教育学刊》(ISSN 1367-4587)。从2009年起,该杂志更名为《教育专业发展》(ISSN 1941-5257)。
Professional Development in Education影响因子