Studies in Continuing Education
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- Studies in Continuing Education期刊英文简介
- Studies in Continuing Education期刊中文简介
Studies in Continuing Education基本信息
Studies in Continuing Education期刊英文简介
Studies in Continuing Education is a scholarly journal concerned with all aspects of continuing, professional and lifelong learning. It aims to be of special interest to those involved in: Learning and work – learning in workplaces, learning for work Continuing professional education / professional development Learning beyond educational institutions Training and development and human resource development Adults learning Higher education for professional formation Research educationPapers published in Studies in Continuing Education aim to address scholars outside the specific context of application. This might involve use of theory, use of literature beyond immediate profession or context.The editors (David Boud and Nick Hopwood) have made a short video explaining some of the key points and common pitfalls, which you can watch through this link.Papers from all countries are welcome. They should be written in ways that are accessible to an international audience, and speak to issues of international relevance, even if the study on which they are based is located in one country.Studies in Continuing Education publishes empirical papers, but also conceptual work, reflections on theory and practice.Papers published will draw on a range of methodologies and will represent diverse theoretical approaches. They may apply concepts from other areas to the field of continuing education, or develop/propose new concepts or theoretical frameworks.Accounts of innovations that make a contribution to wider field of continuing education are welcome, but these must be conceptualised and be well-located in the literature. Papers which are primarily evaluations of programs are not encouraged.Critical reviews of issues in the field are particularly sought.

Studies in Continuing Education期刊中文简介
《继续教育研究》是一本涉及继续教育、专业和终身学习各方面的学术期刊。它的目的是使参与下列工作的人特别感兴趣:学习和工作——在工作场所学习,为工作而学习持续专业教育/专业发展超越教育机构的学习培训开发和人力资源开发成年人学习专业形成的高等教育研究教育发表在《继续教育研究》(Studies in Continuing Education)上的论文,旨在针对特定应用背景之外的学者。这可能包括理论的运用,超越直接职业或背景的文学运用。编辑(David Boud和Nick Hopwood)制作了一个简短的视频,解释了一些关键点和常见的陷阱,你可以通过这个链接观看。欢迎各国的报纸。这些报告的写作方式应使国际读者能够理解,并涉及与国际有关的问题,即使这些报告所依据的研究是在一个国家进行的。继续教育研究发表经验论文,也发表概念著作,对理论和实践的反思。发表的论文将采用一系列的方法,并将代表不同的理论方法。他们可以将其他领域的概念应用到继续教育领域,或发展/提出新的概念或理论框架。我们欢迎对更广泛的继续教育领域做出贡献的创新,但这些创新必须概念化,并在文献中得到很好的定位。不鼓励主要是评估项目的论文。特别要求对该领域的问题进行批判性审查。
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