European Political Science
- European Political Science基本信息
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- European Political Science期刊英文简介
- European Political Science期刊中文简介
European Political Science基本信息
European Political Science期刊英文简介
European Political Science (EPS) is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The professional journal of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), it has been published in collaboration with Palgrave Macmillan since 2005. The journal's interpretation of 'political science' is wide, and encompasses comparative politics, political economy, international relations, public administration, political theory, European studies and related disciplines. It publishes pieces on how the discipline is, can be and ought to be. Articles address research matters (including debates in the discipline, research projects, political science information sources, funding opportunities); professional matters (such as career structures and prospects, external evaluation, higher education reforms, accreditation issues); doctoral training provision and teaching matters; and relations between academics and politicians, policy-makers, journalists and ordinary citizens. EPS also includes more substantive pieces that provide a political science perspective on important current events. In addition to original articles, the journal carries shorter notes, review articles and symposia, progress reports on lively areas of research and profiles of people in the profession. Each issue of EPS also contains book reviews.The main content of the journal is edited by Martin Bull (Academic Director of the ECPR), Luis de Sousa, Jonathon Moses and Jacqui Briggs. The Reviews section of each issue is edited by Lasse Thomassen. EPS has published reviews by leading European and international political scientists and theorists such as Jean Blondel, Rachel A Epstein, Michelle Everson, Michael Freeden, Michael Keating, Peter Lassman, Peter Mair, Glyn Morgan, Gianfranco Pasquino, and Philippe C. Schmitter. Other reviewers have included John Bruton, former Prime Minister of Ireland and EU Ambassador to the United States, and senior EU officials such as Albrecht Rothacher and Martin Westlake.

European Political Science期刊中文简介
欧洲政治学(EPS)是一份同行评议的学术期刊。欧洲政治研究联盟(ECPR)的专业期刊,自2005年起与麦克米伦合作出版。该杂志对“政治学”的解释是广泛的,包括比较政治学、政治经济学、国际关系、公共管理、政治理论、欧洲研究和相关学科。它发表了关于这个学科是怎样的,可以是怎样的,应该是怎样的文章。文章涉及研究事项(包括学科辩论、研究项目、政治学信息源、资助机会);专业事务(例如职业结构和前景、外部评价、高等教育改革、认可问题);博士培养和教学事宜;学者与政治家、政策制定者、记者与普通公民之间的关系。EPS还包括更多的实质性文章,提供了一个政治科学的观点,对重要的时事。除了原创文章外,该杂志还刊载更短的笔记、评论文章和专题讨论会、有关活跃研究领域的进展报告以及业内人士的简介。每一期的每股收益还包括书评。杂志的主要内容由马丁·布尔(ECPR的学术主任)、路易斯·德·索萨、乔纳森·摩西和杰基·布里格斯编辑。每期的评论部分由Lasse Thomassen编辑。EPS发表了欧洲和国际知名政治学家和理论家的评论,如Jean Blondel、Rachel A Epstein、Michelle Everson、Michael Freeden、Michael Keating、Peter Lassman、Peter Mair、Glyn Morgan、Gianfranco Pasquino和Philippe C. Schmitter。其他评论者包括爱尔兰前总理、欧盟驻美国大使约翰布鲁顿(John Bruton),以及欧盟高级官员阿尔布雷希特罗切尔(Albrecht Rothacher)和马丁韦斯特莱克(Martin Westlake)。
European Political Science影响因子