Acta Politica
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- Acta Politica期刊英文简介
- Acta Politica期刊中文简介
Acta Politica基本信息
Acta Politica期刊英文简介
This journal is one of the few truly international political science journals with a broad scope across the discipline. As the official journal of the Dutch Political Science Association (Nederlandse Kring voor de Wetenschap der Politiek) it covers such sub-areas as Dutch and comparative politics, as well as international relations, political theory, public administration and political communication.In times of growing specialization in political science, this broad-ranging journal serves a vital role for the international research community. Set out to attract a wide audience with the ample range of political topics, it publishes a multitude of articles with a substantive theoretical background that demonstrate at the same time, how these ideas can be used empirically. While in the past most research tended to come from Europe, the journal now attracts more and more articles from the United States, Canada, and the world at large.Readers will find contributions that reach from theoretical and empirical articles over comparative and single-country studies to methodological notes. Also included are empirical articles which introduce new ways to incorporate or test theoretical discussions. The journal is committed to publishing research with an edge, bringing new insights and new approaches to political science.

Acta Politica期刊中文简介
本期刊是为数不多的真正具有广泛学科范围的国际政治科学期刊之一。作为荷兰政治科学协会(Nederlandse Kring voor de Wetenschap der Politiek)的官方期刊,它涵盖了荷兰和比较政治、国际关系、政治理论、公共管理和政治传播等子领域。在政治科学日益专业化的时代,这本涉及面广泛的杂志对国际研究团体起着至关重要的作用。它以广泛的政治话题吸引广泛的读者,出版了大量具有实质性理论背景的文章,同时展示了如何将这些思想用于实践。虽然过去大多数的研究都倾向于来自欧洲,但现在该杂志吸引了越来越多来自美国、加拿大和全世界的文章。读者将发现,从理论和经验文章的比较和单一国家的研究到方法说明的贡献。还包括实证文章,介绍了纳入或测试理论讨论的新方法。该杂志致力于发表具有优势的研究成果,为政治学带来新的见解和新方法。
Acta Politica影响因子