Laboratory Phonology
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Laboratory Phonology基本信息
Laboratory Phonology期刊英文简介
Laboratory phonology is an approach to phonology that emphasizes the synergy between phonological theory and scientific experiments, including laboratory studies of human speech and experiments on the acquisition and productivity of phonological patterns. The central goal of laboratory phonology is "gaining an understanding of the relationship between the cognitive and physical aspects of human speech"[1] through the use of an interdisciplinary approach that promotes scholarly exchange across disciplines, bridging linguistics with psychology, electrical engineering, and computer science, and other fields.[2][3] Important antecedents of the field include work by Kenneth N. Stevens and Gunnar Fant on the acoustic theory of speech production, Ilse Lehiste's work on prosody and intonation, and Peter Ladefoged's work on typological variation and methods for data capture. Current research in laboratory phonology draws heavily on the theories of metrical phonology and autosegmental phonology, and on the statistical methods of exploratory data analysis.Laboratory phonology is particularly connected with the Association for Laboratory Phonology, which was founded to promote the approach. Among the researchers associated with laboratory phonology are Janet Pierrehumbert, Mary Beckman, Patricia Keating and D. Robert Ladd, who co-authored a paper discussing the approach. [4] Other prominent laboratory phonologists include Catherine Browman, Jennifer S. Cole, Louis Goldstein, Julia Hirschberg and Ian Maddieson.

Laboratory Phonology期刊中文简介
实验室音系学是音系学的一种研究方法,强调音系理论和科学实验之间的协同作用,包括人类语言的实验室研究和音系模式的获取和生产力的实验。实验室音系学的核心目标是“通过跨学科的方法,促进跨学科的学术交流,将语言学与心理学、电子工程、计算机科学和其他领域联系起来,从而理解人类语言的认知和物理方面之间的关系”。该领域的重要先驱包括Kenneth N. Stevens和Gunnar Fant关于语音产生的声学理论的工作,Ilse Lehiste关于韵律和语调的工作,以及Peter Ladefoged关于类型变化和数据获取方法的工作。目前实验室音韵学的研究主要依靠测量音韵学和自反音韵学理论,以及探索性数据分析的统计方法。实验室音系学特别与实验室音系学协会联系在一起,该协会的成立是为了推广这种方法。珍妮特·皮尔亨伯特、玛丽·贝克曼、帕特里夏·基廷和d·罗伯特·拉德是与实验室音系学相关的研究人员之一,他们共同撰写了一篇讨论这种方法的论文。[4]中国英语学习网站其他著名的实验室音系学家包括凯瑟琳·布劳曼、詹妮弗·s·科尔、路易斯·戈德斯坦、茱莉亚·赫什伯格和伊恩·马迪森。
Laboratory Phonology影响因子