Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences
- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences基本信息
- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences中科院SCI期刊分区
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- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences期刊英文简介
- Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences期刊中文简介
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences基本信息
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences期刊英文简介
TRAS represents a collective effort initiated by an international group aimed at boosting the research in the field of public administration in a country where during the communist regime there was no tradition in this sense. TRAS represents a unique source of specialized analysis of the ex-communist space, of the transition processes to democracy, of the reform of public administration, and of comparative analysis of administrative systems. The general topic covered by the articles in the Review is administrative sciences. As a result of an interdisciplinary, modern approach, the articles cover the following specific themes: Public management, public policy, administrative law, public policy analysis, regional development, community development, public finances, urban planning, program evaluation in public administration, ethics, comparative administrative systems, etc. TRAS encourages the authors to submit articles that are based on empirical research. From the standpoint of the topic covered, TRAS is lined up with the trends followed by other international journals in the field of public administration.All articles submitted to the Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences have to present a clear connection to administrative sciences and the research should be conducted from this perspective; econometric, organizational theory, sustainable development or other interdisciplinary topics that do not present a clear and strong connection with public administration will not be considered for review and publication.

Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences期刊中文简介
Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences影响因子