History of Economic Ideas
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- History of Economic Ideas期刊英文简介
- History of Economic Ideas期刊中文简介
History of Economic Ideas基本信息
History of Economic Ideas期刊英文简介
Launched in 1993, History of Economic Ideas is the new international series of Quaderni di storia dell'economia politica, a journal founded in 1983 by Riccardo Faucci to promote collaboration between scholars (historians, economists, social scientists) who share a historical approach to the major issues, the various "revolutions" which have left their mark on economics and the spread of economic ideas beyond the narrow circle of specialists.History of Economic Ideas rejects the dichotomy between "analysis" and "culture": both aspects are of equal importance for a wider understanding of the subject. In a period where paradigms that once seemed unshakeable are being challenged, a multidisciplinary analysis of the historical development of economics might contribute to shedding light on the issues at the root of current economic, social and political debates.Besides essays and surveys, the journal publishes archive material and reviews of new books on history of economics.History of Economic Ideas is double-blind peer reviewed. It is indexed and abstracted in SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), EconLit, EigenFactor Journal Ranking, RePEc - EconPapers and Scopus (Elsevier). The eContent is Archived with Clockss and Portico.

History of Economic Ideas期刊中文简介
“经济思想史”于1993年推出,是Quaderni di storia dell'economia politica的新国际系列,由Riccardo Faucci于1983年创立,旨在促进学者(历史学家,经济学家,社会科学家)之间的合作。重大问题,各种“革命”在经济学上留下了痕迹,经济思想的传播超出了狭隘的专家圈子。经济思想史拒绝“分析”与“文化”之间的二分法:这两个方面对于更广泛地理解这一主题具有同等重要性。在曾经似乎不可动摇的范式受到挑战的时期,对经济学历史发展的多学科分析可能有助于揭示当前经济,社会和政治辩论根源的问题。除了论文和调查之外,该杂志还出版了关于经济史的新书的档案材料和评论。经济思想史是双盲同行评审。它在SCImago期刊排名(SJR),EconLit,EigenFactor期刊排名,RePEc - EconPapers和Scopus(Elsevier)中被索引和抽象。电子内容使用Clockss和Portico存档。
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