JAMA Oncology
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JAMA Oncology基本信息
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JAMA Oncology期刊英文简介
Vision. JAMA Oncology is committed to publishing influential original research, opinions, and reviews that advance the science of oncology and improve the clinical care of patients with cancer.Mission. JAMA Oncology is the definitive journal for scientists, clinicians, and trainees in the field of oncology worldwide. Our original, innovative, and timely scientific and educational content provides a deeper understanding of cancer pathogenesis and recent treatment advances for our readers.JAMA Oncology aims to effectively convey the findings of important clinical research, major scientific breakthroughs, actionable discoveries, and state-of-the-art treatment pathways to the oncology community. Our goal is that successful communication of new knowledge will ultimately translate to clinical benefit for people living with and surviving cancer.Editorial Team. The founding Editor in Chief of JAMA Oncology is Mary L. (Nora) Disis, MD. Dr Disis is a Professor of Medicine and Adjunct Professor of Pathology and Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Washington (UW), and a Member of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. She is the Associate Dean for Translational Science in the UW School of Medicine, Director of the UW Center for Translational Medicine and Women''''''''s Health, and Director, UW Institute for Translational Health Sciences. Dr Disis is an expert in breast and ovarian cancer, immunotherapy, and translational research. For a complete listing of the journal’s Editors and Editorial Board, see link to Editors and Publishers below.Journal Publication and Editorial Information. JAMA Oncology is an international peer-reviewed journal that is published online each Thursday and in a print/online issue every month. The acceptance rate is 21%. Time to initial editorial decision is 1 day without review and 35 days with review. All articles are published Online First within a median of 71 days of acceptance. All research articles are made free access online 12 months after publication. All articles are made free access on The JAMA Network Reader on the day of publication. JAMA Oncology also has an open access option for authors of eligible manuscripts. See Instructions for Authors for details. In addition, the journal is made freely available or nearly so to institutions in developing countries through the World Health Organization''''''''s HINARI program.Topics of Interest. JAMA Oncology publishes papers on all aspects medical, radiation, and surgical oncology and its subspecialties, including the following Topics: Breast Cancer Cancer Biomarkers Cancer Genetics Cancer-Related Complications Cancer Therapy and Treatment Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplantation Chemotherapy Novel Therapies Treatment-Related Complications Clinical Guidelines Clinical Trials Diagnosis and Staging Drug Discovery Endocrine System Cancer Epidemiology, Cancer Prevention, and Control Gastrointestinal Cancer Biliary Cancer Colon Cancer Esophageal Cancer Gastric Cancer Hepatic Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Rectal Cancer Genitourinary Cancer Prostate Cancer Renal Cancer Urinary Tract Cancer Geriatric OncologyGynecologic CancerCervical CancerEndometrial CancerOvarian CancerHead & Neck CancerHematologic MalignanciesImagingImmunotherapyLung CancerNeuro-oncologyBrain CancerCentral Nervous System CancerPalliative CareCancer Supportive CarePain ControlPediatric CancerQuality and Health Services ResearchEconomicsHealth PolicyRadiation OncologySarcomasSkin CancerMelanomaSoft-Tissue TumorsTranslational OncologyUnknown Primary Site and Rare CancersJAMA OncologyISSN 2374-2437 (Print)ISSN 2374-2445 (Online)Updated April 2016
JAMA Oncology期刊中文简介
愿景:JAMA Oncology致力于发表有影响力的原创研究、意见和评论,促进肿瘤学和改善癌症患者的临床护理。使命:JAMA肿瘤学是全球肿瘤学领域的科学家、临床医生和培训生的权威期刊。我们原创的、创新的、及时的科学和教育内容为读者提供了对癌症发病机制和最新治疗进展的更深入的了解。JAMA肿瘤学旨在有效地将重要临床研究成果、重大科学突破、可操作的发现和最先进的治疗方法传达给肿瘤学社区。我们的目标是,新知识的成功交流最终将转化为癌症患者和幸存者的临床利益。编辑团队。《美国医学会肿瘤杂志》的创始主编是玛丽·l·迪斯(Nora),医学博士。迪斯博士是华盛顿大学(UW)的医学教授、病理学和妇产科副教授,弗雷德·哈钦森癌症研究中心的成员。她是华盛顿大学医学院转化科学副院长,华盛顿大学转化医学和妇女健康中心主任,以及华盛顿大学转化健康科学研究所主任。迪斯博士是乳腺癌和卵巢癌、免疫治疗和转化研究方面的专家。有关《华尔街日报》编辑和编辑委员会的完整列表,请参见下面的编辑和出版商链接。期刊出版及编辑资讯。JAMA Oncology是一份经同行评审的国际期刊,每周四在网上出版,每月出版一期。录取率为21%。初始编辑决定的时间为1天不审核,35天有审核。所有的文章都是先在网上发表的,平均接受时间为71天。所有研究论文出版后12个月免费在线阅读。所有文章在出版当天都可以免费访问JAMA网络阅读器。JAMA Oncology也为合格手稿的作者提供了开放存取的选择。有关详细信息,请参阅作者说明。此外,通过世界卫生组织的HINARI项目,该杂志向发展中国家的机构免费提供或几乎免费提供。感兴趣的话题。《美国医学会肿瘤学》发表关于医学、放射、外科肿瘤学及其分支学科的所有方面的论文,包括以下主题:乳腺癌癌症生物标记物癌症遗传学癌症相关的并发症癌症治疗骨髓/干细胞移植化疗新的治疗方法治疗相关的并发症临床指南临床试验诊断和分期药物发现内分泌系统癌症流行病学,癌症预防和控制胃肠道癌症胆道癌结肠癌食道癌胃癌肝癌症胰腺癌直肠癌泌尿生殖器的癌症前列腺癌肾癌泌尿道肿瘤老年肿瘤学妇科癌症子宫颈癌子宫内膜癌卵巢癌头颈癌血液恶性肿瘤成像免疫疗法肺癌Neuro-oncology脑癌中枢神经系统癌姑息治疗癌症的支持性护理疼痛控制儿科癌症质量和卫生服务研究经济学卫生政策放射肿瘤学肉瘤皮肤癌黑素瘤软组织肿瘤平移肿瘤学未知的原发部位和罕见的癌症JAMA肿瘤学ISSN 2374 - 2437(印刷)ISSN 2374 - 2445(在线)2016年4月更新
JAMA Oncology影响因子