Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
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- Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal期刊英文简介
- Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal期刊中文简介
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal基本信息
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal期刊英文简介
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (CSBJ) is an online gold open access journal publishing research articles and reviews after full peer review. All articles are published, without barriers to access, immediately upon acceptance. The journal places a strong emphasis on functional and mechanistic understanding of how molecular components in a biological process work together through the application of computational methods. Structural data may provide such insights, but they are not a pre-requisite for publication in the journal. Specific areas of interest include, but are not limited to:Structure and function of proteins, nucleic acids and other macromoleculesStructure and function of multi-component complexesProtein folding, processing and degradationEnzymologyComputational and structural studies of plant systemsMicrobial InformaticsGenomicsProteomicsMetabolomicsAlgorithms and Hypothesis in BioinformaticsMathematical and Theoretical BiologyComputational Chemistry and Drug DiscoveryMicroscopy and Molecular ImagingNanotechnologySystems and Synthetic BiologyWhile all general topics related to Computational and Structural Biology are welcomed, the editors reserve the right to pre-screen submissions based on the suitability of the topic of a submission and, therefore, the right as whether a manuscript will be processed/reviewed or not. Even though experimental validation is not required for publication, reliability and significance of biological discovery are validated and enriched by experimental studies.The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence, and enables the rapid publication of papers under the following categories:Research articlesReview articlesMini ReviewsHighlightsCommunicationsSoftware/Web server articlesMethods articlesDatabase articlesBook ReviewsMeeting Reviews

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal期刊中文简介
计算与结构生物技术期刊(CSBJ)是一种在线黄金开放获取期刊出版研究论文和评论后,充分的同行审查。所有文章一经接受即发表,没有任何访问障碍。该杂志强调功能和机械的理解,如何在一个生物过程中的分子组成如何通过应用计算方法协同工作。结构性数据或许能提供这样的洞见,但它们不是发表在《华尔街日报》上的先决条件。感兴趣的具体领域包括但不限于:蛋白质、核酸等大分子的结构和功能多组分配合物的结构与功能蛋白质折叠、加工和降解酶学植物系统的计算和结构研究微生物信息基因组学蛋白质组学代谢组学生物信息学中的算法和假设数学与理论生物学计算化学和药物发现显微和分子成像纳米技术系统与合成生物学虽然欢迎所有与计算和结构生物学有关的一般主题,但编辑保留根据提交主题的适宜性预先筛选提交内容的权利,因此也保留是否处理/审查稿件的权利。虽然发表不需要实验验证,但实验研究证实并丰富了生物发现的可靠性和意义。期刊欢迎提交符合重要性和科学卓越性一般标准的稿件,并使下列类别的论文能够迅速出版:研究文章评论文章迷你的评论突出了通信软件/ Web服务器的文章方法的文章数据库的文章书评会议评审
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