Food Science & Nutrition
- Food Science & Nutrition基本信息
- Food Science & Nutrition中科院SCI期刊分区
- 历年Food Science & Nutrition影响因子趋势图
- Food Science & Nutrition期刊英文简介
- Food Science & Nutrition期刊中文简介
Food Science & Nutrition基本信息
通讯方式:111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN, USA, NJ, 07030-5774
审稿速度:24 Weeks
Food Science & Nutrition期刊英文简介
Food Science & Nutrition is a peer-reviewed journal for rapid dissemination of research in all areas of food science and nutrition. The Journal will consider submissions of quality papers describing the results of fundamental and applied research related to all aspects of food and nutrition, as well as interdisciplinary research that spans these two fields. Topics include, but are not limited to the following areas:Food Science ? Chemistry of food and its biochemical interactions ? Food microbiology, safety, and risk assessment ? Safety and security analysis of global food supplies ? Food preservation, storage, and hurdle technology ? Food toxicology ? Engineering of food processing technologies ? Handling and packaging of foods ? Quality assurance of food products ? Biotechnology as it relates to food production and processing ? Food oral processing, rheology, and other texture related studies ? Sensory and consumer science ? Enology and fermentation technology ? Health claims ? Agriculture research on plant production, utilization, biomass, and environmentHealth and Nutrition ? Metabolic, molecular, and genetic mechanisms of nutrients ? Bioavailability and disease prevention ? Nutritional methodologies and modeling ? Community and international nutrition ? Nutritional epidemiology and clinical nutrition ? Nutrients in growth, development, and reproduction ? Nutrition in medical management ? Nutrition-related behaviors ? Nutritional toxicity ? Nutritional genomics ? Plant and animal nutrition ? Aging and age-related degeneration ? DieteticsInterdisciplinary ResearchThe journal welcomes articles that address multiple topics listed above, including but not limited to: ? Health and nutritional implications of food, functional foods, nutraceuticals, supplements, and meat-producing animals. ? Food and dietary supplement ingredient regulatory science ? Commentaries on controversial issues in food science and nutritionFood Science & Nutrition is a monthly publication, publishing original research articles, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and research methods papers, along with invited editorials and commentaries. Original research papers must report well-conducted research with conclusions supported by the data presented in the paper.
Food Science & Nutrition期刊中文简介
大类学科 | 分区 | 小类学科 | 分区 | Top期刊 | 综述期刊 |
农林科学 | 3区 | FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 食品科技 | 3区 | 否 | 否 |
Food Science & Nutrition影响因子