发布时间:2022-10-22 11:22:33 更新时间:2022-10-22 11:22:33

1. 人,研究对象: individuals, characters, people , persons, subject, participant.
2.募 集对象: enroll, recruit
3. 事情,事件: affair, business, matter, thing.
4.越来越多: Increasing(ly), growing - more and more
5.非常: overwhelmingly, exceedingly, extremely, intensely, very
6.开 展检查等: perform, carry out, do, use to
7.抑制: inhibit, suppress, restrain
8.促进, 增强: promote, stimulate, enhance
9.调控: regulate, adjust
10.危害,损害: disrupt, disturb, arrest, destroy, interrupt, break up
11.导致, 引起: give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger, cause, bring about/on, induce, produce,stimulate, responsible for
12.因此: consequently, accordingly, so, thus, therefore, hence, as a result, in consequence, as aconsequence
13.由于, 因为: because of, by reason that, in respect that, due to, on account of, because,
since, seeing
14.此外: .moreover, furthermore, besides, in addition, what is more
15.例如: as an example, for example, for instance, such as.
16.关于: concerning, about,regarding , in regard to, as regards, in respect of, with respect to, asfor, with/in referance to
17.提示: indicate, show, suggest, infer, imply, be indicative of, be suggestive of
18. 表明: exhibit, demonstrate, manifest, show, present, reveal, disclose
19.推断: speculate, suppose, hypothesize, conjecture
20.我认为: for my part ,from my own perspective, in my opinion/view, to my point of view