

发布时间:2023-05-11 17:30:32  更新时间:2023-05-19 17:15:43

已签订领域:化学工程/制药,医学题目:**作为抗癌剂***催化剂**取代苯丙***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:用**电***生物传感器**癌症**SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:**氧化石墨烯纳米***材料的生物传感器***结肠癌生物**癌胚****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学-公共卫生题目:聚合物纳米***a-硫辛酸***在神经炎症***应用***临床分析SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机视觉/遥感/智能驾驶/汽车题目:**深度学习***高分辨率遥感***车辆检***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:社会交流***领导***倾向***方向SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:企业管理题目:**中小企业社交媒体****可持续绩效***因素探析SSCI,SCI三区,二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:利用硫氨酸***石墨烯纳米***电化学***传感器实现癌胚抗原***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境科学,公共卫生题目:基于抗***纳米复合***高性能***早起癌症诊断***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:***政治冲突****绿色金融、金融**、气***化***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,能源题目:冲***中能源不安全对***和环境***SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生***社交媒体***成绩影响***SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:巴基斯坦***学习实施的***的**SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:大学生对****下网络教学**思***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:教育题目:**教师和学生对影响***医疗**效果的****看法SSCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:**货币、黄金、**和美国***的波动***相互依赖性:**数据的分析SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计量经济学题目:东南亚***内**趋同***中等收入**:新**的***SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑,历史题目:历史景点在***旅游发***中的***影响**(**研究:**历史***)SSCI,SCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:领导力,管理题目:量化**领导对角色绩效***响:**冲突与工作自主性***作用SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:数字***环境对学生学习成绩***:游戏**和***现实在教育***作用SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***续决策之间的***:创新***识的**作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:课程**对大学生***发展的影响:学习习惯和***的***作用SSCI一区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:信息技术,教育题目:信息技术***与可持续决策**:高等***学生认知***作用SSCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语****学**与人工智能****学习SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐**对学生成绩***的影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:基于预先处理模型***模式人体工程学***女生肌肉骨骼***预防行为*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:制定一个***人体工程学**,以识别、优先考虑***职业压力源的*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:人体工程,心理学题目:多重工作**压力和工作***:***工效学方法的混合方法*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:数学模型***结构调整和经济转型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**数学模型在***媒体营销**中的应用*** 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:***时间**模型在***物流运**能力***研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:数学,经济题目:碳****经济的数学模型****研究 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农****社区**发展***分**SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:创业***对乡村****发展的****SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农村经济题目:农村创业****的空间*****究SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:纳米颗粒*****及其在癌症****和重金属*****检测中的应用SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****前列腺癌药物氟****检测方法的*****腺癌治疗SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:气海***********金纳米颗粒的新型****************粘土及其对胃癌********************抗癌SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于抗***********GCE纳米***********材料的高性能*******************早期癌症SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:用******电化学生物传感器*****癌症***************SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:基于*****石墨烯纳米****材料的生物传感******用于测定结肠*****生物*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:聚合***纳米复合电极*****疏辛酸电化学检测*********SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:医学,电化学题目:利用****酸/**糖**石墨烯纳米复合修饰的电化学*****SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:环境能源,绿色投资题目:环境能源、绿色投资、城市化和环境类方向SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,英语教学题目:英语教学**人工智能***习SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,音乐题目:评价**和音乐形式*学生***影响SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,绿色投资题目:***能源效率***化之间的***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济政策题目:***阐明**印度经济***的关系SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融题目:***国家的能源***重***SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,金融投资题目:***融新之间***直接投资***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数学,统计学,管理学题目:非***想重限制下***袭评价***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:经济,数字,管理学题目:基干***生产系统***SSCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:农业,土壤科学题目:不同***有机覆盖***养分循环SSCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:电力与能源系统,管理题目:pv***氢定价的***随***型稀SSCI,SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:建筑规划,计算机题目:使用***因子分析法***可持续***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:工程技术,纺织工程,材料科学题目:甘***淀粉酶的提取***退浆中的应用SCI四区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:饲料***镉毒性的交互***生长***病理学***SCI二区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:渔业,鱼类生理学题目:****鱼水源***起的生******SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:金融,环境经济题目:*****预算在能效、绿色***的作用SCI 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:应用数学/计算物理题目:***非线性库***自相位调制***SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,医学检测题目:***COVID-19***力***算法***决策SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

已签订领域:计算机,物联网,智慧城市题目:基于***物联网****算法SCI三区 直击了解更多选题

1:Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering创刊于2004年,出版周期是Quarterly,目前的影响因子是1.313,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是>12周,或约稿录用比例是容易。

英文简介:Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE) is an interdisciplinary Open Access journal promoting cutting-edge research, technology transfer and knowledge translation about complex data and information processing.MBE publishes Research articles (long and original research); Communications (short and novel research); Expository papers; Technology Transfer and Knowledge Translation reports (description of new technologies and products); Announcements and Industrial Progress and News (announcements and even advertisement, including major conferences).


2:Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience目前的影响因子是2.154,。

英文简介:Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience is a forum for the interdisciplinary field of neural computing, neural engineering and artificial intelligence, where neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, engineers, psychologists, physicists, computer scientists, and artificial intelligence investigators among others can publish their work in one periodical that bridges the gap between neuroscience, artificial intelligence and engineering.The journal provides research and review papers at an interdisciplinary level, with the field of intelligent systems for computational neuroscience as its focus. This field includes areas like artificial intelligence, models and computational theories of human cognition, perception and motivation; brain models, artificial neural nets and neural computing. All items relevant to building theoretical and practical systems are within its scope, including contributions in the area of applicable neural networks theory, supervised and unsupervised learning methods, algorithms, architectures, performance measures, applied statistics, software simulations, hardware implementations, benchmarks, system engineering and integration and innovative applications.The journal spans the disciplines of computer science, mathematics, physics, psychology, cognitive science, medicine and neurobiology amongst others. Work on computational intelligence and neuroscience refers to work on theoretical and computational aspects of the development and functioning of the nervous system, which can be at the level of networks of neurons or at the cellular or the sub-cellular level.Topics of the journal include but are not limited to computational, theoretical, experimental, clinical and applied aspects of the following:Neural modeling and neural-computationNeural signal processingBrain-computer interfacingNeuron-electronicsNeurofeedback, neural rehabilitationNeuroinformaticsBrain waves, neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG, MEG, PET, NIR)Neural circuits: artificial and biologicalNeural control and neural system analysisLearning theory (supervised/unsupervised/reinforcement learning)Knowledge based neural networks, probabilistic, spatial, and temporal knowledge representation and reasoningLearning ClassifiersFusion of neural network- fuzzy systems- evolutionary algorithmsBiologically inspired Intelligent agents (architectures, environments, adaptation/ learning and knowledge management)Bayesian networks and probabilistic reasoningSwarm intelligence, Ant colony optimization, Multi-agent systemsComputational aspects of perceptual systems; Perception of different (visual, auditory and tactile) modalities; Perception and selective attentionLong-term, Short-term, and Working memoryMulti-level (neural, psychological, computational) analysis of cognitive phenomenaIntegrated theories of natural and artificial cognitive systemsInformation-theoretic, control-theoretic, and decision-theoretic approaches to neuroscienceMulti-disciplinary computational approaches to the study of creativity, learning, knowledge and inference, emotion and motivation, awareness and consciousness, perception and action, decision making and action, etc.Cognitive systems from artificial life, dynamical systems, complex systems perspectivesNeurobiologically inspired evolutionary systemsFeatured contributions will fall into original research papers or review articles. Articles are expected to be high quality contributions representing new and significant research, developments or applications of practical use and value. Decisions will be made based on originality, technical soundness, clarity of exposition, scientific contribution and multidisciplinary impact of the article.

中文简介:计算智能和神经科学是一个跨学科领域的论坛神经计算、神经工程与人工智能、神经学家,认知科学家、工程师、心理学家、物理学家、计算机科学家,和人工智能研究人员等可以发布他们的工作在一个神经科学期刊,桥梁之间的差距,人工智能和工程。该杂志以计算神经科学的智能系统为重点,提供跨学科水平的研究和评论论文。该领域包括人工智能、人类认知、感知和动机的模型和计算理论等领域;脑模型,人工神经网络和神经计算。所有与构建理论和实际系统相关的项目都在其范围内,包括在适用的神经网络理论、监督和非监督学习方法、算法、体系结构、性能度量、应用统计学、软件仿真、硬件实现、基准测试、系统工程以及集成和创新应用领域的贡献。该杂志涵盖了计算机科学、数学、物理、心理学、认知科学、医学和神经生物学等学科。计算智能和神经科学方面的工作是指神经系统发展和功能的理论和计算方面的工作,可以是神经元网络层面的工作,也可以是细胞或亚细胞层面的工作。该杂志的主题包括但不限于计算,理论,实验,临床和应用方面的以下方面:神经建模和神经计算神经信号处理脑-机接口Neuron-electronicsNeuroneedback、神经康复Neuroinformatics脑电波,神经成像(fMRI, EEG, MEG, PET, NIR)神经回路:人工神经回路和生物神经回路神经控制与神经系统分析学习理论(监督/非监督/强化学习)基于知识的神经网络,概率,空间和时间的知识表示和推理学习分类器神经网络融合。模糊系统。进化算法受生物启发的智能体(架构、环境、适应/学习和知识管理)贝叶斯网络和概率推理群体智能,蚁群优化,多智能体系统知觉系统的计算方面;感知不同的(视觉、听觉和触觉)模式;知觉和选择性注意长期记忆、短期记忆和工作记忆认知现象的多层次(神经、心理、计算)分析自然和人工认知系统的综合理论神经科学的信息理论、控制理论和决策理论方法研究创造力、学习、知识和推理、情感和动机、意识和意识、感知和行动、决策和行动等的多学科计算方法。认知系统从人工生命,动力系统,复杂系统的角度神经生物学启发的进化系统专题文章将纳入原创研究论文或评论文章。文章被期望是高质量的贡献,代表新的和重要的研究,发展或应用的实际用途和价值。决定将基于文章的原创性、技术可靠性、清晰的阐述、科学贡献和多学科影响。

3:Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology目前的影响因子是0.845,。

英文简介:The Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology aims to publish high quality, original research articles, expository tutorial papers and review papers as well as short, critical comments on technical issues associated with the analysis of cellular information.The research papers will be technical presentations of new assertions, discoveries and tools, intended for a narrower specialist community. The tutorials, reviews and critical commentary will be targeted at a broader readership of biologists who are interested in using computers but are not knowledgeable about scientific computing, and equally, computer scientists who have an interest in biology but are not familiar with current thrusts nor the language of biology. Such carefully chosen tutorials and articles should greatly accelerate the rate of entry of these new creative scientists into the field.


4:Interdisciplinary Sciences-Computational Life Sciences目前的影响因子是1.418,。

英文简介:The journal Interdisciplinary Sciences--Computational Life Sciences presents outstanding coverage of significant research across scientific disciplines. The coverage ranges across the broad field of computational life sciences, an area that has recently seen rapid development at the forefront of scientific research and technology. The editorial board comprises experts from around the world. Taking full advantage of Springer online technology, the journal combines rapid print publication with early OnlineFirst distribution through SpringerLink.


5:BioData Mining目前的影响因子是2.301,。

英文简介:BioData Mining is an open access, open peer-reviewed journal encompassing research on all aspects of data mining applied to high-dimensional biological and biomedical data, focusing on computational aspects of knowledge discovery from large-scale genetic, transcriptomic, genomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data.


6:BIOMETRICAL JOURNAL创刊于1977年,出版周期是Bimonthly,目前的影响因子是1.255,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是较慢,6-12周录用比例是容易。

英文简介:Biometrical Journal publishes papers on statistical methods and their applications in life sciences including medicine, environmental sciences and agriculture. Methodological developments should be motivated by an interesting and relevant problem from these areas. Ideally the manuscript should include a description of the problem and a section detailing the application of the new methodology to the problem. Case studies, review articles and letters to the editors are also welcome. Papers containing only extensive mathematical theory are not suitable for publication in Biometrical Journal.


7:International Journal of Biomathematics创刊于2008年,目前的影响因子是0.894,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是约3.0个月录用比例是容易。

英文简介:The goal of this journal is to present the latest achievements in biomathematics, facilitate international academic exchanges and promote the development of biomathematics. Its research fields include mathematical ecology, infectious disease dynamical system, biostatistics and bioinformatics.Only original papers will be considered. Submission of a manuscript indicates a tacit understanding that the paper is not actively under consideration for publication with other journals. As submission and reviewing processes are handled electronically whenever possible, the journal promises rapid publication of articles.The International Journal of Biomathematics is published bimonthly.


8:Frontiers in Neuroinformatics目前的影响因子是2.68,。

Frontiers in Neuroinformatics

英文简介:Frontiers in Neuroinformatics publishes rigorously peer-reviewed research on the development and implementation of numerical/computational models and analytical tools used to share, integrate and analyze experimental data and advance theories of the nervous system functions. Specialty Chief Editors Jan G. Bjaalie at the University of Oslo and Sean L. Hill at the ?cole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne are supported by an outstanding Editorial Board of international experts. This multidisciplinary open-access journal is at the forefront of disseminating and communicating scientific knowledge and impactful discoveries to researchers, academics and the public worldwide.

中文简介:《神经信息学前沿》出版了严格的同行评审研究报告,内容涉及数字/计算模型和分析工具的开发和实现,这些工具用于共享、集成和分析实验数据,并推动神经系统功能理论的发展。奥斯陆大学的专业主编Jan G. Bjaalie和洛桑联邦理工学院的Sean L. Hill得到了由国际专家组成的优秀编辑委员会的支持。这是一本多学科开放获取的期刊,在向全世界的研究人员、学者和公众传播和传播科学知识和有影响力的发现方面处于前沿。


英文简介:Among the important scientific developments of the 20th century is the explosive growth in statistical reasoning and methods for application to studies of human health. Examples include developments in likelihood methods for inference, epidemiologic statistics, clinical trials, survival analysis, and statistical genetics. Substantive problems in public health and biomedical research have fueled the development of statistical methods, which in turn have improved our ability to draw valid inferences from data. The objective of Biostatistics is to advance statistical science and its application to problems of human health and disease, with the ultimate goal of advancing the public's health.Biostatistics publishes papers that develop innovative statistical methods with applications to the understanding of human health and disease, including basic biomedical sciences. Papers should focus on methods and applications. Introduction of original methodology should be grounded in substantive problems;there is the opportunity to present extensive analyses of data on the journal's website as supplementary material. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit code supporting their publications. Authors should submit a link to a Github repository and to a specific example of the code on a code archiving service such as Figshare or Zenodo.


10:Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research创刊于2009年,目前的影响因子是0.92,根据网友评价审稿速度大概是>12周,或约稿录用比例是容易。

英文简介:Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research ( SBR), publishes articles that focus on the needs of researchers and applied statisticians in biopharmaceutical industries; academic biostatisticians from schools of medicine, veterinary medicine, public health, and pharmacy; statisticians and quantitative analysts working in regulatory agencies (e.g., U.S. Food and Drug Administration and its counterpart in other countries); statisticians with an interest in adopting methodology presented in this journal to their own fields; and nonstatisticians with an interest in applying statistical methods to biopharmaceutical problems.Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research accepts papers that discuss appropriate statistical methodology and information regarding the use of statistics in all phases of research, development, and practice in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, device, and diagnostics industries. Articles should focus on the development of novel statistical methods, novel applications of current methods, or the innovative application of statistical principles that can be used by statistical practitioners in these disciplines. Areas of application may include statistical methods for drug discovery, including papers that address issues of multiplicity, sequential trials, adaptive designs, etc.; preclinical and clinical studies; genomics and proteomics; bioassay; biomarkers and surrogate markers; models and analyses of drug history, including pharmacoeconomics, product life cycle, detection of adverse events in clinical studies, and postmarketing risk assessment; regulatory guidelines, including issues of standardization of terminology (e.g., CDISC), tolerance and specification limits related to pharmaceutical practice, and novel methods of drug approval; and detection of adverse events in clinical and toxicological studies. Tutorial articles also are welcome. Articles should include demonstrable evidence of the usefulness of this methodology (presumably by means of an application).The Editorial Board of SBR intends to ensure that the journal continually provides important, useful, and timely information. To accomplish this, the board strives to attract outstanding articles by seeing that each submission receives a careful, thorough, and prompt review.


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